Pt. 5: Welcome, Friend.

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Waking up on the edge of the couch reminded Jade why she had purchased a queen sized bed the moment she moved into her apartment. She looked to the other side of the couch when she heard the loud snoring coming from the end of it. Once she looked over she was surprised that Jacob had not fallen off of the couch seeing that it was only a matter of time before the inevitable. She wondered why Jacob always went for the small two seated couch whenever he came over. She got up to go make breakfast and coffee when she heard a loud "thump" and an "Oww" followed soon after. She couldn't contain the giggles that slipped from her lips as Jacob came into the kitchen. She then burst into a full fit of giggles as he sat at the kitchen table holding his head.

"I'd greatly appreciate if you kept your giggles to a minimum" he stated holding his head.

"I'm sorry but this is just too good" she laughed as she sat two aspirin and a glass of water on the table beside him.

"Thank you, bub. Where is Shelly?  Did she head home last night?" Jacob asked as he downed the glass of water that was set in front of him.

"No, you shit. You kept me up all night with all of your cackling and crying" Michelle spoke coming out of the guest room in her onesie pj set. It was then Jacob noticed that he had on his fluffy pjs as well.

"Which one of you creeps changed my clothes?" He spoke in an accusing tone as Michelle sat at the table across from him as Jade started breakfast.

"You decided to change your own clothes after spilling makeshift tacos on them last night. Who the hell just eats lettuce and salsa" Michelle spoke laughing at Jacob and all of the drunken entertainment he provided the two with during the night.

"Yeah and your lucky you didn't stain my carpet while you were at it. I am not in the mood to purchase another carpet cleaning after the last time you were here." Jade chimed in helping Jacob remember his antics.

After breakfast was over,  the three sat around and talked and made plans for the day which included a shopping trip and gathering food for a movie/dinner combo. As everyone sat around on the couch in the living room, Jade heard her phone chime indicating she had a text message

Hello- Alex

Hi- Jade

How are you this morning-Alex

Everything is good besides nursing a slight hangover. Hbu-Jade

Same here. Sucks that I'm moving into my place today if not I would still be hanging in my bed-Alex

Wow. That sucks. Sorry you have to do so much work. - Jade

No worries. We're about to get started now and my friend  is yelling at me to get a move on it. Can I call you later? -Alex

Sure- Jade

Okay,  talk soon-Alex

K- Jade

"Looks like somebody is pretty occupied on that phone over there. Twitter fingers at it's finest" Jacob laughed then held his head because the aspirin had not started to work yet

"Hopefully it was that fine gentleman that took up so much of her attention last night" Michelle spoke looking at her own phone with a slight smile on her face

"Its not that serious. I just want to be his friend nothing more"

"Okay, we believe it" Michelle spoke giggling as she looked at her best friend from the corners of her eyes

Along Came YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora