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First, I would like to say thank you, for taking your time and clicking into this story. 

This is my first story ever so it may be a bit cringy at times. LOL

Before I start I'll kind of introduce myself. My name is Briyah, Bri for short. I've read stories on Wattpad for about 4 years now and finally built up a little courage to create my own. (fingers crossed it goes well)  I'm like the middle person between an introvert and an extrovert, so it was a battle for a while. 

I am not a "certified writer". Therefore, I probably won't be too good at formats and punctuation  and all that good stuff. I am a good speller though ( I also have spell check lol ) 

This story does contain mature content; explicit and suggestive language, sexual content, some abuse and almost everything else you can think of. If you are uncomfortable please use your own judgement as to whether you would like to read. 

I accept constructive criticism, but please do not use that as a platform to be mean.  

The ideas and characters along with some of the names are based on my ideas, so please do not take them and plagiarize them.    

  I'm not much of a talkative person so there may not be many author notes throughout the chapters, if there is it's most likely gonna be pretty short. 

Again, Thank you for reading. Please comment and vote

If you have any questions you can ask them here or DM me through      IG: @faded_2_jade  or Twitter @AmareeLuv 

Thank you one more time!! I hope you guys enjoy! 

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