"I'll look after her, you know I will," I tell her, hoping she knows that I will always have my little sister's best interest at heart. We talk for a few more minutes before she has to go to do some work, so we hang up. I sit back on the couch, letting out a sigh as I just let the peace and quiet in this room take over for a second. Once I feel a bit better, I stand up and leave the formal living room, making sure to close the door so Julian doesn't have to look at that picture when he passes by the room.

When I get to the living room, I see that Ivy and Jonah were still studying. I walk over to them, leaning against the back of the couch as my sister looks up at me in concern. "Um, just really quick, Mom didn't know about me being fired, so next time, just don't assume that she knows these things."

Her face turns a lighter shade as she realizes what she did. She reaches back, placing her hand over mine. "Miles, I'm so sorry. I thought she knew, I really did."

"Don't worry about it, just for next time," I tell her, giving her a soft smile because I knew that getting mad at her wouldn't do either of us any good. I pat her head before looking at Jonah, who was looking between the two of us. "um, where's Julian?"

"I think he's in the office," he tells me and I nod before walking through the living room to go through the entryway where the dining room was that I've only been through that one day when he gave me a tour of the house. I look around the room to see if anything was different, but nothing was, so I move towards the door. When I open it, I recognize the office that had shelves upon shelves of books while his desk sat on the large wall to the left. My boyfriend sat behind it, moving the mouse around that was connected to his monitor on top of the desk.

"What'd your mom want?" He asks me, not looking up from the screen as I sit down on one of the chairs in front of his desk. He looked focused on what he was doing, but he was also giving me his attention.

"Ivy told her I got fired," I tell him and his head shot up to look at me. He leaned his elbows on his desk, looking at me with a questioning look, giving me his undivided attention. He was concerned by the way his brows furrowed together, but I ignored that as I waited for him to speak.

"What'd she say?" He asks, his voice going softer.

"Oh, the usual. She was mad that I didn't tell her, but she was supportive. She told me that this is just a part of life and I was going to be okay. We're going to start looking for new jobs at the soonest chance we would get," I tell him, not ignoring the flash of pain that appears on his face for a few moments before he suppresses it. His parents still affect him to this day and I just wish I could take away all that pain they've caused him over the years.

"Well, that's good. Like I said, I'll help however I can," he tells me before looking back at his monitor to type something. I get up from my seat with a small sigh as I walk around the back of his chair to fold my arms around his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his temple before setting my head on his shoulder. He leans back in his office chair, letting out a small hum of appreciation as I kiss his cheek.

"It's okay to tell me that you're hurt or you're upset or angry. It's okay to tell me what you're feeling whenever I mention something that triggers you. You've been through traumatic experiences, Julian, and it's okay to talk about them or tell me to stop talking about something to make you feel better. What isn't okay is suppressing those feelings because it'll build and it'll build until you break," I tell him in a whisper.

He nods his head against mine, setting his hand on my arm that was still wrapped around his neck. "I know, I just... I have to move through it. I can't let everything remind me of my parents, you know? It's like everything I do, they're in it. I haven't seen them in years, but it's like I keep seeing them in daily tasks and conversations. I don't know, it's stupid."

I shake my head immediately, walking around him in the chair to sit on his desk to get a better look at him. "It's not stupid. It's something that's affecting you and that is never stupid. You just have to work through it and I'll help you. I'll always help you."

He smiles to make my heart flutter in my chest, getting up to stand between my legs. He balls up part of my shirt in his hand to pull on it and give me a passionate kiss. I wrap my legs around his to pull him closer as he sets his free hand against my cheek. His other hand pulls me as close to his body as physically possible. I run my hand up his shoulders to grip his hair tightly, making him groan against my mouth. He pushes me back lightly to lean on my hands as he starts to dominate me, grabbing my thighs to slide them up so they were around his waist. He sticks his tongue in my mouth again, running along mine before he bites my bottom lip.

We break away when we hear the two kids laughing in the living room. He gives me a soft smile, grabbing my waist to pull me off the desk after giving me another peck on the lips. He grabs my hand to pull me into the living room where my sister and Jonah look up at us when we enter. I follow my boyfriend to sit on the couch that was next to theirs as he grabs the tablet that was also the remote for the TV. "Let's watch a movie or something. Get our minds off of everything going on. Put the school stuff away, you can focus on that later."

Ivy smiles at me before packing up her papers while Jonah closes his laptop and sits back against the soft cushions. Julian reaches behind us to grab two blankets, throwing one over to the teenagers. I watch as my sister places the blanket over both of them, lightly moving closer to him without making it too obvious. I turn my attention to my own man who was searching through the TV for a good movie to watch. I reach out, setting my hand on his chest before placing my head on his arm, letting my thumb run over his strong chest.

"Christmas movie?" He recommends before everyone nods his head. Ivy looks around the room before back at Julian in confusion, who was still pressing buttons on the screen to search around for something.

"Do you guys have a tree up?" She asks, trying to see if she saw any resemblance of the holiday season in the house.

Jonah shakes his head at her. "No, we just get so busy that we don't put one up. Usually, after the holidays, everyone tries to turn their life around for New Years so we're usually busiest in January and also busy in December since we get lots of orders for Light Impression."

She nods her head before turning back to the TV. "Ah, makes sense."

Julian picks a movie before using the tablet to dim the lights. When he sets it on the coffee table, he pulls me to lay down on the couch with him. He lays behind me in a spooning position as his arm wrapped around my waist, his fingers lightly running over my stomach before placing a soft kiss to my neck and turning his attention to the large screen in front of us. I glance over at my sister without making it obvious to see Jonah 'accidentally' hitting her hand when he shifts. She doesn't move hers away and holds his hand. I almost chuckle, but I hold it in to not embarrass them.

"I love you," Julian whispers into my ear as his free hand runs through my hair, instantly making me tired. I reach down to take the hand that was pressed against my stomach, bringing it up to place it on my lips since I never knew what to say back when he said that to me. I made sure he felt loved, even if I didn't say the words since I was still trying to move past everything that's happened with us lately.

I get comfortable against his body, making sure Ivy and Jonah looked comfortable before placing Julian's hand against my chest and letting my eyes close. I was super tired and being pressed against my boyfriend's chest only encouraged my eyes to close even more. I let out a soft sigh as he places another kiss to my neck, holding me even tighter. 

Miles (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now