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Let's just pretend that in January it rains a lot.

❝ It's ❞

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January 01, 2019

Taking deep breaths, Seungkwan and Jisoo walked up the stage to finally sing their comeback after six consecutive years, finally, their group came back-- but as a duo.

Their sweat glistened against the spotlight while their shaking hands nervously gripped their microphones. Standing in the middle of the stage with everybody's eyes on them, it's too late to act shy and go back to the backstage since everybody was anticipating a beautiful ballad gracefully sung by the two along with the relaxing melody of the guitar played by Jisoo and Seung-wan's amazing vocals.

In the crowd, Seokmin was there cheering for them. Holding their official lightstick, he swayed it to the beat of the music. "I LOVE YOU JISOO AND SEUNGKWAN!" He screamed which earned a few laughs from the fellow fans.

There he stood, looking at the vast space with their brightly coloured lightsticks held by each fan. The lightsticks shone brightly like stars in front of him, creating an image that Jisoo never thought he would see. 'It looks like the night sky.' He thought, looking at galaxy-like space than a thousand fans occupied. It made him feel free, as if, he's exploring the whole universe. The sight made him sentimental, as the fans sang along to their music.

Once again, he's receiving the love that used to warm him up every time.

Time flew by, and they were now in Seokmin's clinic wearing party hats for the celebration of the duo's latest comeback. "You did great Jisoo and Seungkwan!" Seokmin beamed.

Hearing that, a warm tear escaped Jisoo's eye. The feeling overwhelmed him, he didn't know what to do after realising that everything that was happening was true, it felt, surreal. After being locked up in darkness for years, he finally discovered a light that would light up every corner of the cage and make him find his way out.

His dream of becoming a musician was accomplished once again, and his wish to feel happiness was granted.

"Aw! Jisoo why are you crying? Tears of joy?" Seungkwan laughed nudging Jisoo by his elbows lightly. "Don't cry! We're supposed to celebrate." Seokmin smiled as he surprised Jisoo with a party popper.

In their table was food, a bunch of pastries along with the infamous chicken and beer. There were pizzas and coke that made their mouth water.

A light sound coming from the door chime made their heads turn towards the direction of the sound. "Sorry, we are late!" Jeonghan and Seungcheol joined the party holding colourful balloons, ice cream and their newly bought lightsticks. Sadly, Wonwoo and Chan couldn't join the party but they know that while the two are staying behind the bars, they are celebrating with them holding the newspapers that contained the information about Jisoo and Seungkwan.

"Tomorrow let's go to an amusement park! How does that sound?" Seokmin said while munching on chicken meat.



"So, in the end, we're the only two that came here."

Seungkwan didn't get to come because of Hansol. And the religious couple couldn't tag along because of their church business. It was the same amusement park where Seungkwan also used to sell ice creams and where Jisoo was too stubborn to ride a roller coaster by himself.

Of course, they couldn't avoid a lot of people who knew the two famous people and decided to take selfies with them. Seokmin a famous psychiatrist, and Jisoo a famous guitarist/vocalist.

A lot of memories came back to them feeling the same feeling that they had during their previous visit. A furry object was suddenly placed on Jisoo's head which was a headband that had the ears of a cat.

When he looked up to Seokmin, he saw Seokmin wearing a headband that had deer antlers making him laugh.

It was never too awkward between Jisoo and Seokmin, but it was still awkward. Luckily, this place was loud enough to cover up the silence between them. The sound of the roller coaster's wheels hitting against the rails blended very well with the excited screams the people riding it let out. People were scattered everywhere, taking photos with their loved ones here and there.

They smiled at the children running to places with character balloons tied around their wrists while their exhausted parents used all their might to run after them.

Suddenly, a loud sound of thunder cut off his thoughts, the psychiatrist looked up having countless flashbacks of how he and Jisoo met under the rain. 'The clouds are starting to become grey.'  Soon it will rain again judging by the sky's condition.

He remembered that very day when they last visited this place, it was a total catastrophe. When Jisoo rode that godforsaken roller coaster by himself then started hallucinating that his reflection will strangle him to death.

"Hey, remember when it rained here?" Seokmin pointed towards the sky indicating the memory that they had here. Once Jisoo looked up, Seokmin thought of getting his umbrella from the car. However, seeing Jisoo look up innocently at the sky made him want to prank Jisoo pretending that he went ahead and left Jisoo alone in the middle of the crowded amusement park.

Since he thought it was a good joke, he sneakily walked away then went to grab his umbrella in his car.

Once Jisoo looked back to Seokmin, there was nobody beside him anymore. "Seokmin?! Where did you go?" Jisoo panicked when he realised that Seokmin went ahead of him. He never knew what to do when he's left alone in a place he barely visited.

A loud sound of the thunder came again before the rain followed. People started retreating to places where they could cover up but Jisoo remained standing unsure of what to do. The pace of his heartbeat increased due to fear. He started sobbing because of Seokmin's absent presence, it made him feel neglected.

The rain poured harder and Jisoo started running to look for Seokmin. His clothes were starting to get wet and his damp hair stuck to his forehead.

When he carried on running, his eyes didn't catch a man with a deer-antler headband running to him worriedly with a yellow umbrella.

Seokmin just came back to the place with the yellow umbrella from his hand excited to see Jisoo's expression, but instead he saw a man running uncovered from the rain and his eyes were red from crying.

"Jisoo! I'm sorry I thought it was a good joke. It's okay, I'm here now." Seokmin reassured him while covering Jisoo with the umbrella.

"I thought you were a good psychiatrist! Why did you leave your damn patient out in the cold?!" He shouted as he pushed the psychiatrist away.

His words surprised Seokmin. 'So this whole time Jisoo just thought of me as his psychiatrist? Not even a friend?' He thought to feel sad but decided to shrug it off. "I'm so sorry Jisoo." He spoke softly before hugging him tightly.

During their brief hug, Seokmin's ear that was just by Jisoo's mouth heard his light sniffles while the skinship made him feel the rapid beating of Jisoo's heart caused by the tiring run. Jisoo's tears halted from falling, but his heartbeat remained to beat at a fast pace. The hug made him feel safe, strangely as his anger to Seokmin slowly faded away once he found himself wrapped within his arms. Never did he thought that in this cold weather, a mere hug was what it would take to make the atmosphere feel like spring. His arms unconsciously wrapped around Seokmin as well, unaware of the beautiful feeling that was being formed between them.

"Hey, Jisoo,"


"I think I like you."

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