Chapter 1

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Welcome to the story. Please give feedback if there is anything that should be fixed or there is something you didn't understand. If this is your first a/b/o fanfic then I will give a brief description on what it is. If you've read one before then I will put a line at the end of the description.
*edit* I am so happy to see people enjoying the story although I was informed that there were some triggers I did not list in the description (they weren't originally planned in the plot) so I would like to also include a non-con (non consensual) warning for this story I can't exactly remember which chapter it is in but be warned that it will come up in the story, no actual TW:r@pe occurs


Dominant and possesive of their mates. Their scent is savoury, with scents like nature and sometimes spices. They experience ruts which is a period where they are most fertile and look for someone to mate with. If they have a mate then the two (or three) of them stay together until their rut is finished. Using alpha voice they can make a command that no omega can resist.


The most normal of the three a/b/o types. They aren't effected by ruts or heats. Their scent (for this fic anyway) Is related to their favourite thing, like flowers or gardening (Dirt and plants).


Submissive and can be either female or male. Their scent is sweet and calming. They go through heats which are sort of like ruts except it is the time in which they are easiest to breed and most likely to become pregnant. They make nests prior to their heats and take care of their pack like a mother. They can also take suppressants which stop them from having heats and dull their scent. There are sprays and even collars that can make them smell like beta's. Male omega's can get pregnant as well.

(This is my own interpretation of prime alphas and omegas) They can dull and amplify their scent at will and are stronger than regular alphas and omegas. Only prime alphas can make prime omegas submit to alpha commands. They are supper rare only reaching a population of 1 in 1 billion each. Prime omegas bodies will reject suppressants and amplify their heats if they are used for too long.


"Thanks" (Speech)

For , (Regular sentences)

'reading' (thoughts)

Lance POV

Me and Keith have been dating for one week, this started after I had helped him with his rut. I was happy since I have had a crush on him since we got into space, but he seemed unhappy with our relationship. Since he never complained I never asked. We haven't been hanging out much so I went to his room to go talk to him. I knocked on his door but there wasn't an answer. "Hey Keith it's me Lance I wanted to talk to you." Still no answer. I opened the door and looked inside, he wasn't there. I was about to leave when I spotted a note addressed to me sitting on his desk. Curiosity got the best of me and I went in to look at the note. I started reading and the colour in my face drained and I felt one single tear slide down my face. The note read:

Dear lance,

I'm sorry but I don't love you any more. In fact I don't think I ever did. I love someone else now and I hope you can find someone else too. I wish you the best in your love life

Sincerely Keith.

My heart shattered at that point. I put the note down exactly the way I found it and walked to my room. I wrote him a letter that read.

Dear Keith

I want to break up with you. I see the way you act around me and know you like someone else now, and that's ok. I have found someone else I love as well. We should just act like the past two weeks have never happened OK? Plus beta and Prime Alpha relationships can't work anyway right?

lance and his alphas powers AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang