Maggie smiled. "Video?"

Billie swallowed her mouthful of cereal and nodded. "One of my friends wanted her to be in a video he's shooting. She'll be back later."

It was almost like Billie didn't want to talk about it, but Nova didn't push. She said her goodbyes and climbed off the bus. She looked back at Billie and gave a wink that caused her beautiful girlfriend to smile. And with that, her heart fluttered.

Nova got an Uber to the video shoot and tried to amp herself up for this whole thing. She had never done anything like this before but she knew it would be the best for her career, whatever that was. The drive was roughly a half hour, due to the busy city traffic. During that time she was able to be confident enough in herself that she was beginning to be excited. When the car stopped, she climbed out and sighed, pulling out her phone for a quick text.

To: mybabyb
At the shoot. See you later baby

xo 😘

She stuck her phone in her coat pocket and walked onto the set. Cameras were everywhere. People were yelling commands. Music was playing loudly in the background. Her blue eyes scanned the place, in awe at all the stuff going on.

"Yo! Nova!" A familiar voice yelled from behind a camera. Lil Skies jogged over to her, scooping her up into a hug. He was tall, and lanky but he was strong enough swing her around effortlessly.

Nova giggled, pushing at him to put her down. "Okay, okay. Let me down."

He did so and smirked at her. "Ready to be my girl for the day? You don't have to be all crazy, no twerking or dancing I promise." He said, putting his arm over her shoulder and leading her onto the set. "Michelle here will get you in your wardrobe and then the director will give you direction on what to do." He said, pointing to a tall brunette in a tight blue dress and black louboutins. "I have to go finish my solo scenes. See you soon." He said, walking off, leaving Nova standing there in front of the intimidating stylist.

She gave a wave to the woman and smiled at Skies. Nova took a deep breath and made her way over to the woman. "Hey, I'm Nova." She said, meekly.

The woman smiled. "Hey, I'm Michelle. I'll be doing your wardrobe for today. Let's see what I've got." She said kindly, looking at Novas body to find a suitable outfit. "We're gonna throw on a wig too." She clapped happily as she pulled out the wig and outfit.

Nova smiled at how kind this woman was, even though she seemed super intimidating at first. "Awesome. I am your puppet. Dress me how you please." Nova joked.

The two woman laughed together while Nova dressed into her black lululemon leggings and a cropped, spaghetti strapped tank. They did her hair up and put the wig on. It was pastel pink and it made Nova really want pink hair. When Nova stood at the full length mirror she beamed. "This is cute! I love it!" She said, hugging Michelle.

"I agree!" Michelle said, leading Nova to the set.

Skies was just finishing the last solo shot. Nova watched him perform to his music, and he seemed so happy while he did it. It made Nova smile.

"Cut!" The director yelled, causing Nova to jolt upright. "We need the girlfriend now!" He yelled again, looking over at Nova.

She smiled politely and walked over to Skies. He gave her a hug, looking at her outfit. It made her feel shy, but smiled when he grinned. "You look awesome Nova!" He said, getting himself in place for the next take.

Nova smiled. "Thank you. It was all Michelle." She laughed.

"Alright, Skies is on the couch here. I want you to walk from here, climb onto his lap and straddle him there. Then just let it flow until
I say cut." The director said, pointing at each spot.

Perfect Timing ; Billie Eilish x OCWhere stories live. Discover now