the signs as college roommates

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aries: jumps into bed and gets hurt, promptly asks, "DID YOU SEE THAT???"

taurus: labels everything in the shared fridge as "mine," shares it anyway

gemini: accidentally slams the door at 3 in the morning, apologies loudly

cancer: is never home due to how many things they're involved in, is only home to eat ramen and binge watch netflix movies

leo: rearranges everything in the bathroom according to how much soap is left in the bottle

virgo: does homework that's due in a month, questions your work ethic

libra: orders a pizza with literally everything on it to make sure they didn't miss your favorite topping

scorpio: falls out of bed in hysterics and complains about all the cute people on campus

saggitarius: spends all the time they should be studying watching dead YouTube memes

capricorn: is silent for hours, and suddenly screams "SHIT" about forgetting something they were supposed to do hours ago

aquarius: looks up from their laptop on a Sunday night and shakes their head silently before getting back to whatever they were doing

pisces: mutters under their breath while cleaning, the muttering is actually old taylor swift songs

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