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Gun is a youtuber. he goes to random places to find couples and test whether or no they're loyal. he was always bored so he decided it'd be fun to see what stupid excuses people came up with to hide the fact that they were cheating.

"over there ?" Gun points at a couple sitting near a tree in the park. "yeah." the camera man says and they run towards the couple. "hello !" Gun says enthusiastically and the couple jump slightly. "i'm sorry, did i scare you ?" he laughs and the couple nods. "are you two a couple ?" the two males nod and Gun smiles, "how long have you been together ?"

the guys look at each other, "almost a year ?" one of them says and the other nods. "what are your names ?" Gun asks pointing a microphone at them.

"i'm Tay."

"i'm New." they smile and Gun nods, "alright then, New. i'll give you eight hundred Baht if you let me check your phone." New nods and takes his phone out, "sure, why not." he says and Tay gets closer to Gun to also see New's phone.

"who is Krist ?" Gun asks while scrolling through his texts. "he's our friend." Tay nods, confirming New's answer. "who's Singto ?"

"a friend."

"who's Godji ?" Gun asks and New doesn't answer right away. "so ?" Gun says, "oh right. i didn't know how to answer. she's someone we work with."

"why did it take long for you to answer ?"

"we call her 'mae' but i didn't know if i should say that or a coworker." New laughs at his own answer and Gun nods. "well then, you have no other texts. can i check your photos ?" New nods.

"is this your..." Gun laughs and Tay hides his face in New's shoulder. "that's him." he says and Tay hits him. "you have so many nudes. i'm done." Gun says turning the phone off and handing it to New. "New is loyal ! please give him his money." Gun says to the people behind the camera.

"Tay ! i'll give you either hundred Baht if you let me go through your phone." Tay nods and gives him his phone. "there's- what the hell." Gun groans and Tay laughs. "there's only two conversations !" Gun shows the phone to the camera and they laugh. "one with New and the other also with Godji." Gun whines and Tay laughs, "i still get my eight hundred Baht !" Gun groans but nods. "you're obviously loyal." he pouts and hands Tay his money. "well guys, you better stay loyal," he starts. "i'm gonna go find more couples now. goodbye !" Gun smiles and waves at them before walking away.

Gun skips around ahead of the camera and the people behind the camera smile at his child like behavior. "over there !" he stops and points at a couple. "go go !" the cameraman yells as he sees the couple walking off. "hello ! my name is Gun, nice to meet you." he says loudly once he reaches the couple. "what are your names ?"

"Kang and Cherreen." Cherreen smiles and waves at the camera. Gun nods, "okay, Cherreen, i'll give you a hundred Baht if you let me check your messages." Gun offers and Cherreen hesitates. "i'll give you a hundred Baht for each app i check."

"fine." Cherreen hands her phone to Gun and Gun immediately goes to her texts. "who's Krist ?"

"a friend."

"didn't the other couple also text a guy named Krist ?" Gun laughs and the cameraman nods. "Godji ! so you do know each other ?" Gun laughs and Cherreen shrugs. "what was the other couples names ?"

"Tay and New."

"oh ! they are GMM actors." Kang finally speaks up and Gun gasps, "really ?! i interviewed celebrities." Gun says to the camera and everyone laughs. "you only have conversations with women. two hundred Baht for your photos ?" Cherreen nods. "is this you ?" Gun shows the phone to Kang and he nods. "okay. oh- nudes !" Gun shrieks and quickly scrolls past them. "oh it's that couple !" Gun chuckles and Cherreen nods. "everything seems good. any other app ?" Gun asks Kang, "instagram." Gun nods and goes to the app. he goes to her DM's only to find many unopened messages. "oh shit, that's a lot." Gun gasps and Cherreen laughs. "fans ?" he asks and she nods. "well then, none of them are opened so i'm gonna assume everything is fine ?" Gun raises an eyebrow at her and she nods.

"okay, her four hundred Baht." Gun says to the people with the money. "Tay ! your phone !" Gun explains and Cherreen laughs, "Kang." she corrects him and Gun face palms, "right, Kang, sorry." he chuckles and Kang waves him off. "a hundred Baht for your texts ?" Gun offers and Kang shakes his head.

"no, it's fine. she's loyal and i am too." Kang says quickly and Cherreen looks at him, "yeah, but you should prove it. give him your phone." she says reach towards his pocket to get it her self. "no no, it's fine." he says again and Cherreen glares at him. "give him the fucking phone." she raises her voice and Gun looks at the camera before turning back to them. "fine !" Kang throws his phone at Gun and Gun rolls his eyes.

"who's Namtan ?"

"a friend."

Gun raises his eyebrows, amused. "why does she send you heart emojis ?" he asks and Cherreen looks at Kang wait for an explanation. "that's how our... friendship is." he explains and Gun hums.

"let's meet up again." Gun reads and Kang gulps. "y-yeah we, uh, went out two nights ago with other GMM actors." he stammers, "did you go ?" he asks Cherreen. she shakes her head, "i didn't even know you went out last night."

"we've been dating for not even a year, you don't need to know everything i do !" he snaps and Cherreen stares at him with wide eyes. "oh, here it is. is this your, um," Gun starts and shows Cherreen the picture.

"what the fuck ? who is that ?" Cherreen slaps Kang's arm and Kang doesn't say anything. "it's from... Namtan." Gun answers and Cherreen glares at Kang. "what the fuck ! you said you were friends !"

"baby, we are-" Cherreen shakes her head, "then why the fuck did she send you a picture of her ass ?!" Kang shrugs, "i enjoyed fucking you-" Gun cuts himself off and Cherreen harshly takes the phone from his hand. "you fucked Namtan ?" she asks and Kang nods. "i swear it won't happen again !"

Cherreen shakes her and throughs his phone on the ground, breaking it. "fuck you." she says before slapping him and starting to walk away. "wait- her money- Cherreen !" Gun follows after her with both her money and Kang's. "here, take his money too." Gun says and Cherreen nods and hugs him. "thank you." she whispers and Gun nods, "you'll find someone better." he smiles and she nods walking away.

"so you just find couples to break up ?" Kang glares at Gun and Gun shakes his head. "it's not my fault you cheated." Gun snickers and Kang steps towards him. "you fucking bitch-" he yells and raises his arm, about to hit Gun. "hey hey hey !" a voice shouts and runs up to them grabbing Kang's arm and pushing him back, defending Gun who is standing there, surprised. "fuck you." Kang flips them off before walking away.

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