Before Zuzu or Yuya could process and react to her teasing, she decided to make a run for it while she still could. From a safe distance ahead she could hear the results of her teasing, knowing that Zuzu had her fan out ready to hit her.

Still running, she spotted her saviour and hid behind him, 'What's going on now?' Yuka's saviour asked.

'Shun! You have to protect me from them! If you don't I'll die! I mean it, I will definitely die this time! So you have to protect me from that fan!?' Pleaded Yuka.

'What did you do this time?'

'Oh, nothing much, well... not something to warrant a hit to the head anyway, all I did was tell them the truth, honest. What's so wrong with warning my brother about upsetting his future wife? I have to remind him so she doesn't reject him on their wedding day.' Yuka told him with a solemn face.

Shun just let out a chuckle, 'You never learn, do you?'

'What do you mean by "learn"? I was taught to always tell the truth, so that's exactly what I did.' She noticed something in the corner of her eye, Yuka continued, 'But I do think they make a great couple don't you think? Imagine how cute my nieces and nephews would be!'

'YUKA!!! GET HERE NOW!?' They both roared sporting red cheeks that could put a firetruck to shame.

'See, they're even talking in sync! That reminds me, did you know, those two are synchro summoners now?' She managed to say through her laughs.



'No way! Do I look like an idiot to you? If I go there I won't have Shun to protect me, plus you both look like a threat to a poor, innocent girl like me.' She made a face by sticking out her tongue and pulling down her eyelid at them.

'Gong wants to know what's going on here. And from what Gong can expect, Yuka would have started it.' Gong came in with Sora who was eating candy floss.

Hearing this accusation made against her, Yuka popped her head from behind Shun, 'Hey! How can you blame me for such things, I'm guilty till proven innocent!-I-I mean I'm innocent till proven guilty! Just look at this pure face and you will know how much of an angel I am!' Yuka quickly corrected herself.

'Yuka, don't you feel embarrassed after saying that lie?' Sora voiced out.

But Yuka ignored it, carrying on she explained, 'All I did was give Yuya some good advice on not upsetting his future wife, cause for all he knows he might get rejected by her on his wedding day. Honestly, you can't tell people the truth nowadays. So, for my safety, I ran away from the two seeing as they're such a hazard to little old me, Shun, being the hero he is, saved me from the two-'

'Here you go, you can have her now.' Shun smiled as he passed the girl to the red-faced teens.

Yuka's eyes widened in surprise, 'Wait, what?! Shun?! You're supposed to protect me, not offer me to them! The betrayal! The agony! It hurts!'

Sniffing Yuka stared at the three and screamed, 'Moon Shadow!!! Please save me, they're gonna kill me!!!'

Next thing you know, Yuka's there and then she's not.

'That was such a close shave, who knows what would have happened to me if you didn't save me-' She mumbled, shivering in fear.

'MINCED MEAT!!! THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL BE!' Zuzu was yelling other profanities, dangerously waving her fan around.

'You'll take someone's eye out like that!' Yuya shouted, dodging the deadly swings.

Yuka ignored the chaos that was happening, mumbling to herself, 'Hmm... maybe I should learn some ninja skills too. It'll come in handy when I'm in a sticky situation, and I could use the disappearing skill in my duels too... oh! And for pranks! I could escape from the crime scene faster or from detention itself! Oh, think of how little detentions I'll have to serve!'

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