Zayn wiped his thumb along his waterline under his sunglasses, sniffling some. "I need help Liam, I know I shouldn't be acting this way. I have a child for fucks sake but I don't like not having you the way I did, I miss you and I miss having an us."

"I love you as the father of my child but I'm not in love with you Zayn, I never was." He paused a second, knowing this probably wasn't the place for this conversation but it needed to be said before Zayn gets any ideas. "Maybe you should try some counseling, I could help you find a place because I'm not going to let Brooklyn see you like this. You're unhappy, reckless and honestly just a mess."

Zayn sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "Fuck, this wasn't supposed to happen. I'm sorry Liam, I fucked up and I just want my daughter back without having to be monitored like a criminal."

"Zayn you tried to kill my son," he whispered as he took a step closer so nobody could overhear them. "The only thing keeping you from being labeled an actual criminal is that we didn't go to the police, you need to follow through with getting some sort of help or you won't be seeing Brooklyn for a long while."

"Alright, I -"

"Liam?" Niall's voice questioned as he came around the corner with Aybrum on his hip and Brooklyn holding his hand. He uncomfortably smiled, noting that Liam was leaning into Zayn and Zayn was backed against the wall. "Um, we're ready to go now. Everyone used the bathroom and kids are all getting hungry. Do you need a minute or something? Should we just meet up later?"

He didn't know exactly what he was saying because he was trying not to jump to conclusions but Liam and Zayn were standing rather close, and seemed to be hiding. Considering they were on the side of the building, practically standing in some shrubs.

"No, we're done." Liam smiled, reaching out for Brooklyn and scooped her up.

"Daddy," she fussed, wanting Zayn to hold her instead.

Liam maneuvered her noodle body back into his grasp, "Just wait babe, daddy needs to go say goodbye to his friend first. Then he can hold you, yeah."

Zayn walked past them, giving Brooklyn a quick kiss on the head and murmured an 'I love you' before he went to talk to Anthony.

Niall stared at Liam, trying not to look upset but was failing miserably because Liam noticed the second he looked at him.

"Nothing happened, I'll explain when we're by ourselves but I promise nothing is going on." He assured, trying to calm Niall's sudden nerves. Which were rightful considering their past.

Niall subconsciously kissed Aybrum's temple, "I don't want to not trust you." He mumbled as he turned around, heading back towards everyone else.

Liam huffed out a breath, bouncing Brooklyn in his arms and got her to giggle. "You love papa, right princess?"

She nodded, making a fish face and planted a big one on his cheek. "Love papa."

"Good, I love you too," he smiled, obnoxiously showering her face in dozens of kisses and walked towards everyone else; noting that Anthony was gone but Zayn lip was slightly bleeding.

Zayn looked towards Liam as soon as he heard Brooklyn laughing, wiping his lip off.

"What just happened?" He questioned softly.

Zayn shrugged, "He kissed me, only he purposely bit me since I assume he didn't want to hit me in public." He looked at Brooklyn, smiling. "Can I?"

"Yeah," he shifted a giddy Brooklyn into his arms.

Zayn's demeanor instantly changed, becoming more happy and upbeat now that he was holding his daughter. "Hi baby, you look so pretty in your princess dress. Papa picked you out the perfect dress, makes your eyes look so beautiful."

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