An Empty Frame

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  Vanessa Fawkins looked at the cracked picture frame in her hands and felt remorse.

She walked over to the window and reflected on her empty surroundings. She had always hated the desolate town with its troubled tumbleweeds. It was a place that encouraged her anxiety

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Alexis Hertyford. Alexis was a gorgeous man with soft hands and silver hair.

Vanessa gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a sad, lonely, coffee drinker with stringy hair and scarred hands. Her friends saw her as an untouchable, perfect saint. All because once she had helped a frantic little fox recover from a hunting accident.

But not even a kind-hearted person who had once helped a frantic little fox recover from an accident, was prepared for what Alexis had in store today.

The wind howled like dying coyotes, making Vanessa nauseous.

As Vanessa stepped outside and Alexis came closer, she could see the poisoned glint in his eye.

"I am here for vengeance," Alexis bellowed, in a self-righteous tone. He slammed his fist against Vanessa's home, with the force of a hoard of elephants "I hate you, Vanessa Fawkins."

Vanessa looked back, even more anxious, still clinging to the cracked frame. "Alexis, your mother wouldn't have wanted this," she pleaded.

Alexis looked at her with disdain, "You, of all people, do NOT get to speak of my mother," he spat in response

Vanessa studied Alexis. Eventually, she took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do, I cannot save her. It's too late," she said, with a pitying tone.

Alexis looked tense, his body wound like a spring, ready to jump

Vanessa could actually hear Alexis lose hope as he turned tail and fled into the distance.

Nothing would calm Vanessa's nerves tonight.  

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