Of Cosplay and Romance

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"I hope you know my name isn't actually Haku," Brixton commented with a frown. "I just like to stay in character when cosplaying."

"Of course I know your real name...Barxtin?" Ash answered conspicuously.

"Brixton." They said curtly.

"Brixton, 'course, I was just testin' to see if you would tell me the same name as earlier," Ash spoke airily with a heavy southern drawl, as they bounced on their heels."I wouldn't want you to pull a fast one on me, now would I?"

I just wish you would remember my name. An almost desperate thought passed through Brixton's mind. "Yes, you obviously remembered my name," Brixton retorted aloud sarcastically. Maybe that was too mean....

Ash pouted, "It ain't my fault you have such a special name, 'sides I got the general sound right. So long as I ain't asked to spell it, I'll be fine, you won't ask me to spell it, right?" Ash looked panicked at the thought.

Brixton heaved a sigh, "No, as long as I'm around, I suppose you won't have to spell my abnormal name."

"Good 'cause the last six times we met you were cosplaying as Haku, you really can't blame me, but me calling your name 'special' wasn't meant to be rude, or nothin' ya' know, I think it's cute. Means your guardian took the time to think it up, means they care, or cared at least." Ash's tone dropped to something more serious before they bounced back to the happy-go-lucky tone they had before, "Anywho, what'd be your response if I asked you, Brixton," Ash stressed their name, as though proving they could remember it, "on a lunch date?"

Brixton blushed at the idea of going to lunch with Ash. Ash called it a date! I can't seem too eager, but I want them to know I'm interested. Ugh, emotions aren't worth it. "Well," Brixton elongated the word, "first of all, I would probably tell you, Ash, to call me Brix. Secondly, if you were to ask for a 'lunch date'," Brix smirked slightly now, "I would have to say yes, now wouldn't I?"  

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