Chapter 12

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Hello agaaaaaaaiiinnn! :) Long time no see? Hehe... Do you hate me? :( Sorrrryyy. I'm not happy with this chapter. Not one of my best. :(

Quote of the day:  The purpose of life is a life of purpose.




Chapter 12

Niall's eyelids pried open. He groaned as his throat still felt sore and scratchy and he felt a bit odd inside. He stretched out and felt his bones crack and his body melt into place.

He must have been asleep for awhile.

He pulled himself up and wobbled into the bathroom. He stared into the mirror at his reflection and cringed. His eyes were bloodshot and his skin was musky and heavy with sweat. His hair flew in random directions and his skin pale.

He stripped and stepped into the shower, letting the water hit him. He felt his muscles tense under the cool water before relaxation hit.

He dressed and stepped out, walking into the hall. Where was Zayn? He walked into the main room and frowned when he noticed the time. 2:36 P.M. (American time sorry)

How long had he been asleep?

He grabbed an orange from the counter top and slouched onto the couch. He flipped in the t.v. and relaxed himself.

He got through two episodes of Sherlock when Zayn walked through the door, a depressed look etched on his face. He took off his jacket and absentmindedly threw it on the couch, right on top of Niall.

"Heey!" Niall exclaimed and pulled the jacket off him. 

Zayn's head shot up and his face brightened a bit when he saw Niall smiling at him. "Hey. Sorry, there's just a lot on my mind. How're you feeling?"

"My throat's a bit scratchy and I feel a bit sore but other than that I'm fine. What's on you mind?" Niall propped himself up on the edge of the couch and stared at Zayn with wide, curious eyes.

Zayn had just come back from Harry's and he'd heard the news. Everyone knew now, except Niall and it was up to Zayn now to tell him.

Zayn took a deep breath and stepped toward Niall, cautiously. "Niall.............This is really really really hard to tell you but Lo-"


The phone rang, interrupting Zayn. Niall grabbed it and answered happily. "Helloo!"

Niall's smile faded quickly at the person on the other line. His hands shook as he handed the phone to Zayn. Zayn, confused, took the phone and held it to his ear. The line was dead. He put the phone back on its stand and turned to Niall. Niall had his head buried in his hands, shaking.

"Ni? Who was it? What did they say?" He sat down and pulled Niall into his arms, trying to get him to calm down. Niall just looked up, shook his head, and buried his face into Zayn's shirt. Zayn held the boy in his arms and continued to rock him.

After he'd calmed somewhat, Niall pestered Zayn to tell him what he was going to before the phone call.

After thinking about it, Zayn decided it was better to tell him now since Louis was leaving in four days and this way they could spend as much time as possible before he left.  "Louis' leaving, Niall."

Niall shot up from his seat. "Leaving?! Where?!"

"You're gonna want to sit down for this." Zayn pulled him down and held him by the shoulders, looking him straight in the eye as he explained. By the time he was finished, Niall was a quivering mess.

Give Me One Chance (Ziall/Larry)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα