This Is How Much I Love You

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Tae helps me out of the door and we walk a little bit. This place looks familiar, happier..

Taehyung stops and looks at me. "T..this is the bridge" I look and there is the bridge but instead of it leading down if you'd put your leg over it, it leads to a beautiful park, with trees and bushes carved into hearts. There is a tear in my eye. "Instead of dying I'm living. I'm living because of you and now you taught me to live because of me. You gave me so much love so instead of being sad whenever I see this bridge , I want to feel happy because I met you here where you saved me. And this garden is a promise to you that I with never do anything like what I was going to ever again and.. this is how much I love you.

I hug him and kiss him. "Thankyou" I whisper the tear rolling down my cheek.

We walk hand in hand over the bridge into the heart garden. And on a bench is a music player. He turns it on and a song I've never heard before plays. "I wrote this song myself just for you" Taehyung says. He extends his hand and I accept it smiling so wide and we slow dance. It's so romantic and fun at the same time. Some times in the song it's slow and romantic and some times we just laugh. I love him and he loves me.

The End~

Thanks for reading this if you have been! I finally finished the book aha. Stay tuned for other things I write. <3

Saving Taehung//SHORT STORYWhere stories live. Discover now