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Lasjdu's POV

I'm sitting and talking with my dying friend Lucy and my bff Kaylee.
This just depresses me...I wish this could all stop... maybe this is how Taehyung felt when he was suicidal...

"Thankyou guys for being my friends..." She starts to say. "Best friends" Kaylee corrects. "Yeah" I smile. "Guys...I love you so much" We all start to tear up again. "No don't cry, remember what the doctor said" I remind her. "I'm gonna die anyways so it doesn't matter..." before we get to say a word...

"It does matter, your life matters" omg Taehyung!!! My best friends squeal in delight. Oh gosh. "Hey girls, nice to meet you." He smiles at us. I feel jealous..oh my. Then he and I kiss. Okay not anymore!

"But in all seriousness your life matters Lucy... you are so special to us" I say.
"What what's the point if all I'm feeling is sad"
"You can try and be happy again" reasons Kaylee.
"I did, an i'm tired of it now... I can't do this anymore"
"You can, there is always hope Lucy, I know everything seems horrible and there is no light, but there is. You might think your taking the pain away by dying and killing yourself but your just giving pain to people who love you" explains Taehyung.
"Why do you guys love me...can't you stop?" Says lucy.
"Are you crazy gurl?!" Exclaims Kaylee.
"You are our best friend, you know that, you are one of the nicest people we know" I say.
"I know it hard to get over this pain, but eventually and slowly, you will Lucy" says Tae. Awh!

"Thanks guys... I'm sorry I was just being stupid" she says.
"Yeah a bit, but you're just feeling emotions and that's normal gurl" I say.

"T..thanks..." She says looking weird...like...lifeless and paler. I'm getting worried.
"Lucy.." says Kaylee, her voice shaking.
"Guys I'm feeling tired..like...dead" she says, the voice hardly loud enough for us to hear.
"Nonoboononononoonononono Lucy stay with us!" I say.
"I..I'm trying..to.." She whispers.

The doctor comes in. "I have medicine to cure her!" With a smile on his face. "Shes dying!!!" Kaylee shouts. The doctor rushes to turn more Oxygen on and makes her swallow the liquid medicine. "Will she live sir" Tae asks nervously. "I don't know, but you all need to leave the room so the surgeons can get her heart pumping faster" the doctor explains in a serious tone. We all get up off our chairs to exit and wait in the lobby room.

3 Days Later

Kaylee, Lucy and I are on a plane ✈️ back to Korea. I'm so glad that Lucy survived. A day after we knew that Lucy was cured Tae went back home to prepare for a concert. He gave us 3 free tickets in front row to go watch. Yay! At the same time I want to go but then I don't want to...just cuz I'll be jealous of all the girls that bias Taehyung but I also wanna see my baby perform. Oh wellsz.

Taehyung's POV

I go out on the stage with the band to perform our first song for the night, Fire. I look out the front row and see Lasjdu. I blow a kiss an wink to her. All the girls surrounding her look jealous AF lol.

After the performance I meet Lasjdu and her friends backstage. "You were great baby" she compliments and we kiss while bts and her friends go "ooooohh la laaaa!!!

Saving Taehung//SHORT STORYحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن