Officially Official

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I arrived at Taehyungs house (well him and his bands house) and knocked on the door. As the door opened my sight beheld me with the most cutest, manliest man EVER! I do admit... I still get butterflies every time I see him :).
"Come in" he says, with his beautifully deep voice that I fall in love with every time. <3

I walk inside and he pulls me into a hug, I hug him back and look into his eyes, I was going to kiss him but I then realise the others are creepily watching us.

We pull apart awkwardly and blush.
"So.." he begins. "I was wondering if we could finally make our relationship official to army.. since I really like you a lot and I'm getting bothered about people shipping me with others..except you."

Oh my gosh isn't he just the best boyfriend ever?!

"Yes of course!" I say eagerly, although I was going to say I was getting jealous of other people being shipped with him too, I decided not to say.

"Thanks babe"

"Awwwww!!!" We turn to see the group making kissy faces and fluttering around not so gracefully.

Taehyung then tweeted that he was taken, of course he didn't put up a picture of me cuz I wouldn't let him, I was happy. Finally everyone knew he is mine and I am his <3.
He warned me if I sure about this because of all the hate and drama this would bring to me but I told him the paparazzi would find out anyway and I wanted army to find out from him first anyways.

"Thanks babe" he said and we kissed, then the nonfictions went off on his phone like crazy.

I already told my best friend ever about Taehyung and I but all my other friends were texting like mad. It brang a smile to my face.

We spent the rest of the day playing video games with bts, it was chill and totally fun. I even forgot that they were famous and they just felt like family to me <3.

Saving Taehung//SHORT STORYWhere stories live. Discover now