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It's been 7 months and I'm bored so here this gift 🎁

Todoroki walked up stairs wearing his white tux and blue bow tie. It's been 5 months since him and Bakugou started dating and well it was interesting.
He walked into the bedroom that they shared. Picking Bakugous clothes out since he was still asleep.

"Bakugou wake up we're going to be late."

Todoroki pulled the covers off reveling a topless Bakugou

"Mhhh" he said rolling to his side. He pulled Todoroki in bed with him. Laying his head on Todorokis chest.

Todoroki planted a kiss on his head.
"Seriously wake up where going to be late for the interview"

And with that Bakugous eyes flew right open.
"I Forgot!"
He jumped out of bed grabbing the clothes Todoroki laid out for him and took a shower.

After he finished he put deodorant, brushed his teeth, and put his tux on. Todoroki came in and started brushing the blond boys hair. 
"Babe can we get some donuts to go?" Bakugou asked fixing his tie.

"The interview starts at 12 it's 11:42." Said Todoroki as he finished brushing his hair.

They walked outside with a car already waiting for them. Bakugou opened the door for Todoroki and got in after him.

"Why are we doing this interview?" Bakugou asked looking at how handsome his man was

"Well ever since the world found out we are dating, we haven't spoke about it and well Aziwa says we have to. So we can make fans happy and to be on pops trending "

"Pops? We're not pop stars"

"We're not but it would be nice to be on a magazine for once"

They Arrived at the studio. As they stepped out a girl with brown hair, round face and a peach dress came out to greet us.

"Bakugou!" She said giving him a hug. He hugged back and had a small smile for on his face.

"Uraraka it's been a while hasn't it."
"Hmm no round face? And yes it's been a year! I can't Waite to catch up! And oh you must be Todoroki! The hot heads boyfriend."

He gave a small warm smile.
"Nice to meet you"

"Well no time to waist! Let's start these cameras!"

We entered a black room with a bunch of lights and camera equipment. On the wall there was hot pink glowing letters saying Uraraka.

We sat on the couch on her left while she got ready.
" in 3, 2, 1 action!"

U: "Hello Internet! Welcome back Pop Action! Today we have special guests  that everyone has been dying to see and ask questions to. Here next to me is Bakugou Katsuki and his lovely boyfriend Todoroki Shouto!"

U: "How have you been boys?"

B: "We've been great these 6 couple of months been great I guess"

U: "I'm glad to hear that! So let's get to the real tea. This is your boyfriend Todoroki. Tell us about him!"

B: "he's sweet and quiet but once you get to know him he's a pain"

U: " what about you Todoroki explain Bakugou in your own words"

T: "he's a jerk, lazy, always needs help with something but I still love him"

U: "and that's true love! Bakugou tell us something embarrassing that has happened to both of you in public"

Todoroki looked at Bakugou ready to smack his if he says anything stupid

B: "once he tried to get me to suck his dick in a party and someone over heard."

Todoroki pinched Bakugous arm causing his to wince

U: "well then he's no shy boy. He's quiet but dirty. I like" she winked

T: "he asked me too but then got scared cuz I suck like a pro"

B: "that's disgusting"

U: "ok..... change of subject! The fans are going crazy since your the first lgbt+ boxer in history! How did you meet?"

B: "well he was my servant fir-"

T: "you didn't just say I was your servant. I was his caretaker since he was a useless bag of trash. I feed you, bathe you, opened doors, did your emails! And don't get me started when you had your bon-"

B: "WE GET IT! WE GET IT! Just don't go any further.

U: "What's your favorite thing to do together?

T: "Bakugou likes to take naps together or watch movies but he always falls asleep."

B: "this boy loves going to hot springs and drags me along with him. Every day he's in a hot tub! And im usually in it with him. The only time he leaves me alone is when I'm doing business emails but he's very annoying "

T: "but you run straight to me every week when you want a massage. Now that's annoying"

B: "haha that's cute coming out your mouth. It's annoying when every time there's paparazzi you hide behind me or cling on to me for deer life."

T: "because your so strong and brave" he teased

B: "B-buzz of" he said with a red face

U: "well it looks like our times up but before you guys go i think me and the fans want the same thing! To see you guys kiss! But of course if you don't want to you don't. But if you dare go on another tv shows and kiss there I will personally send a hit man to Bakugou"

B: "why only me? And yea don't worry we will never kiss on camera. Ain't that right half and Hal-"

Bakugou didn't have time to finish his sentence since Todoroki planted a kiss on Bakugous lips.

U: "I feel like we're gonna get along just fine torodoki! I'll See You Guys Next Time On Pop Action!"

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