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"You heard me right. We will take both of you guys out and you better act like a couple."

"Want me to suck him off in public"
Bakugou teased

"I will have you go out with Izuku if you don't behave" Aizawa said

"F-fine" Bakugou crossed his arms

All of them got in the car and drove into the streets of California.

Aizawa pushes them out if the car and left.

"So how do we do this?" Todoroki questions
"Hold my hand for now and we wi- .... oh" he looked down at his bandaged arm. Todoroki pulled bakugou close to him and put his arm over him.

They walked down the street and they heard gasps from girls. You could see them fangirl and take pictures. We walked into a pink ice cream shop and ordered.

Bakugou had vanilla and Todoroki had a swirl of chocolate and vanilla. They turned around and saw paparazzi out side waiting for us to come out.

Bakugou was Scare. How was he supposed to get out without being questioned.
"Ughhh fuck it"

Bakugou pulled Todoroki at the entrance and walked out. They were flashed with camera lights from every corner. Then a guy came recording.

"Bakugou is this your boyfriend?"

Todoroki could see bakugou looking terrified.
So he kissed him on the cheek and pulled bakugou out of the crowed.

"You ok?" Todoroki asked

"Uhh Yea of course"

They sat down and decided to eat there ice cream. After a few minutes they finished and they began taking.

"So how do you feel about this?" Todoroki asked

"Why do you care?" Bakugou talked back

Todoroki laughed it off and looked around. He saw a group of girls and a paparazzi in a corner recording

Todoroki grabbed bakugous face and brought it closer to his face. Then he licked the blond boys lips. All of a sudden he froze and girls screamed.

"You had ice cream on your lips"

Bakugou kicked him
"Don't ever do that again!" He yelled with his red face.

"Im tired" Todoroki yawns and places his head on Bakugous shoulder.

"Your fucking kidding me"
He mumbles

"Let's go home icy hot"
They get a SUV Uber and got home.

"How did you get tired fast? It's 3pm and we were outside for an hour." Bakugou complains

"I was getting tired of your bullshit "
Todoroki fires back.

Todoroki grabs Bakugou and drags him to the bed. He cuddles right next to Bakugou who wasn't having it.

"You Know We Don't Have To Pretend Anymore! Right!" The blond Argus

"Oh yea.. right. Sorry" Todoroki let's go and turns around.

Suddenly he feel something grab just waist and soft skin on his back. Todoroki gives a small smile and falls asleep.

Fractures//todobakuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora