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The two boys entered the party. Everyone turned to them and stared at them. Bakugo walked past everyone giving them death glares. Todoroki follows behind the blond boy.

Bakugou suddenly stops and turns around.
"Let's leave"
"Because I fucking said so"

Todoroki grabs bakugous arm and heads straight to the door.


Bakugou recognized that voice. It was the voice of a small twink.


"Haven't seen you in a while"
He smirked looking at his hands.

"Maybe because I'm allergic to your face"
"No need to be rude kachan"

Bakugou rolled his eye and walked away. Todoroki opened the door and they both walked out.

The rest of the way was quiet
Nobody talked or looked at each other.
Both of the boys got inside. Todoroki helped Bakugou get in bed. As he was walking out bakugo spoke.

"Where are you going?"
"You can't go!"
"What if the MONSTERS GET ME"
"Your joking right?"

Todoroki looked him dead in the face and dragged himself to the sofa and laid there.
Bakugou fell asleep fast meanwhile todoroki was having trouble.

He tossed and turned
Could this be the most uncomfortable sofa ever? He though to himself

"Half and half"
Todoroki quickly looked up.
"Sleep on my bed."
"Dont ask questions bastard just come and sleep"

Todoroki made his way to the bed and laid right next to him. Everything was awkward.
He looked to his right and noticed Bakugou wide awake
"Need a night light?"
"of cores not... I'm just taking my time to relax"

It took both of the boys a while but they ended up falling asleep.

Fractures//todobakuWhere stories live. Discover now