blanktaetae- because why tf not

I start sobbing. I walk over to grab my earbuds. I put my earbuds into my ears and listen to Singularity by V, the song that was playing in the car. Since my parents had left on a 2 week trip to America, I was home by myself, and I just let my sobs out, full volume.

- - -

I guess I fell asleep there because the next thing I remember was my alarm going off. I hit dismiss and opened my eyes.

Should I go to school today? I don't want to because of him and I look like shit. No amount of makeup is gonna fix my puffy eyes. It doesn't matter I have 3 tests today I have to go. I will just ask him to stop before class starts in the hallway because he can't do anything there, in front of a bunch of people, I thought as I dragged myself out of bed and to the bathroom.

- - -

After getting ready and putting concealer on to hide my red, puffy eyes, I headed out the door to go pick up my friends. I realized I was really early, so I went to a cafe to get coffee. I walked in the door and ordered a double shot skinny vanilla latte. I grabbed it when they called my name and walked out the door back to my car. I sat down and closed my eyes. Not 10 seconds later, someone knocked on my window. I opened my eyes and saw Jin. I took a deep breath and rolled down the window.

"Hey, Jin!" I said.

"Hey, Kookie! So I don't wanna overstep but I don't have a car and I was going to walk to school but since you're here, could you drive me? I wouldn't ask but it's really fucking cold," he said, shivering.

"Of course! Hop in I just got my coffee and was about to leave so it really isn't any trouble."

He went around the car and hopped in. I guess the concealer worked better than I thought because he didn't question me or ask if I was okay.

- - -

We got to school and parked. I didn't go to my locker, but instead I kept everything on me in my backpack so that I didn't have to try to get to my locker if Taehyung was standing in the way again. Instead I followed Jin to class. We had a good couple of classes before lunch. Since I already had my lunch, I went straight to the cafeteria. I got there and Jimin was already there with his lunch.

"Hi Jiminie!" I said entusiastically as I sat down.

"Hi, Kookie," he said sounding very upset.

"Are you okay, Jimin?"

"Me? Yeah I'm perfectly fine."

He looked back down at his lunch and I decided not to push it.

- - -

After lunch I headed to the dreaded 2 classes with Kim Taehyung.

He ended up not showing up to school that day, but he harassed me doing the same thing happened for days. Days to weeks. Weeks to months. It progressively got more aggressive and risky. By the time I decided to tell my friends, he had been harassing me for at least 3 months, and had almost gotten caught at least 7 times. The sad part was that my feelings, they didn't go away, they grew.

It was lunchtime on the day that marked 3 months into school and I was going to tell my friends.

- - -

I walked into the cafeteria and over to our table.

"Hey, guys," I said very unenthusiastically.

"Hey," Jin said, matching my enthusiasm.

Jin had officially became part of our friend group by this point. He fit in perfectly, like the missing piece of the puzzle.

After a couple of minutes of silence, I broke it.

My True Love- A Taekook FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now