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  ( 2012)
Now DiosMio are 10 years old and 2000 are 12 years old. They got over what happened at their welcome party. Also JJP are a duo! They went to SM for a vist. A new is in the company now..EXO. Theu quickly became friends with them, even Vixx, Girls, Genration, and many more. Jacquline has seen her family more often, She learsns that Joonhoon, Soonhoon, Eungune, and Jisung are all under SM , along with Yoogeun from herllo baby who is also baby Jimin's best friend/ boyfirend, and three other friends of theirs, well they have always been under SM even beofre they moved here. Olympa, Jisoo, and Victoria are also under SM. baby Jimin is under Yg since she was 3 1/2 years old and she is the youngest Idol so far under YG. Lots other family are these famous actors. actresses an Idols startig to form.

Leeteuk told them the story of his abusive father. DiosMio and Two thousand told everyone about their bad childhood, why they had to get married , Hyolyn being sick, abusive parents who ended up commiting suicide in jail, parents murderd, and losing a mother though sickness. They also told them about their Jpop family and all the scandls that has happened.  They have been around for a while starting at sic years old or nine years old, so they are not worrried about Kangin's immautity. " Don't worry, he makes fun of all the newbies under SM, belive me, it took all the will power not to break his neck," says Sehun. They even told them wy they picked their youngest memember to be the leader.

They have won lots of awards at award cermonies for their unique music videos, songs, and acting which got them more fans than ever. This beats out SUJU and Bigbang for the biggest fanbase, along with 2000, Mc2, and their brothers Robitics who are their idenical twin brothers. They made great friends realizing they are family and sadly got their fair share of hate comments which I don't think they give a fuck about. Their school is now their kingdom. Everyone sees them as Queens and Kings because they helped Seoul international academy of performing arts so much. They were at the bottom but now SIA has the highest enrollment leading at 39%.They won the grade music fest 4 years in a row. They have learned that SOAP is their rival school. SOAP has won the music fest for 18 years straight and now SIA has broke that broke that record which was not making SOAP students happy. At that school, there is a gang lead by Nicole Cho. Hyolyn's Gang at SIA is their rival. They been in a few fights but Hyolyn won all of them even though she sick., but the best part is that she is not as sck a she was. She is the defintion or worrior queen. DiosMios and 2000's portaits are even on the wall for acivements they have done,

Mc2, who are also their cousins as has been a band around the same time they have are so happy of their baby cousins dispite that they attend SOAP. " I can't belive we beat out SOAP four year in a row. huh Iguess singing during lunch always helps the vocals," says Hyuna.  DisoMio and 2000 are outside of the school. Nicole's gang from SOAP. " YO DOOMSCOOKIE!" yells Nicoles. Hyolyn rools her eyes at the nickname. " Nwo? says Hyolyn. " You think you can beat our school out of everything Huh? what ashame that you wont be able to be us in the dance fest in a couple of weeks," says Nicole as her gang laughs. " You can say that all you want Nicole, but yout taungtings are scaring me. How about you fuck that boy your dating and cheating on huh?" says Hyolyn.  Nicole stomps away backto her school in a huff. " Uhg, she's a drama queen.," says Jacquline . " Wee know, she needs to chill. I have to do this with the guy who has a crush on her," says Jonah.  Well, that's life I guess," says Junghwa. " Hani unnie wants to see today. Can we ?" Says Hyuna as she grabs her bag. " Ne, " says Hyolyn. " Who I hope they like our Nike outfits," says Junghwa. They nod. They learned that mc2 has brothers so their boyfriends are hanging out with them today.
( These are their outfits)

 ( These are their outfits)Hyolyn

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