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( narrating in Korean)
DiosMio and two thousand are Japanese world's biggest and youngest stars in the Jpop industry. Dispite being so young starting at age six or for the boys nine years old, they made so much history. Their lives are perfect.....wait did I say perfect? Their lives are very much upside down. Bae Hyolyn, but in Japanese she is Kanako Watannabe, has cancer...lyphoma cancer. Usually people with cancer are supposed to stay in a hospital for treatment but Kanako is another story. She will go to fansites with her band members Jiyoon Hyuna Junghwa and Jacqueline her cousins. She never let the thought of her being sick with childhood cancer get the best of her but that's not all of her struggles. She has a disowned grandmother Mara Cruz who is abusive towards her. She constantly blames her for her own failed marriage and that she is not a celebrity. This caused Hyolyn to be in depression and tried multiple times of suicide even knowing she is sick, but along the way, she meets people who can understand her. She has to deal with her band members abusive parents who ended up commiting suicide in Jail, and for Junghwa her parents were murdered so as the leader, Kanako has a lot on her plate, but these indvisuals help her a long the way.

Two thousand has to face the same stuff the girls do. Being three years older than their wife...yes wife, they have to take things a lot harder. Jonah's disowned aunt, Marrisa forced the boys to marry DiosMio and often abused them if she doesn't get her way. Jonah loves Hyolyn as much as he loves life. Like Hyolyn, he is the youngest and also the leader. Jeonghoon, Mino, Seojun, and Cater has the same family issues that the girls have. Jonah lost his mother terminal cancer when he was six years old and that was after his marriage to his princessa Hyolyn.

The childrens lives are tough but because of these, it will make them the strong people they will be when they grow up.

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