GeeGay Being A Sleeping Shitehead And Art N Stuff (Plus Pierce The Veil time)

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Its still a fucking planet!"

"It doesn't count!"


"You're a flamboyant asshole."

"Well you smell like shit."

"Wait seriously?"

"No...You smell like raspberries."

"Thanks.. I think."

I looked at him a bit confused, he just giggled.

"You're welcome, lets kill some time. I'm bored whatcha wanna do?"

He looked me with wide innocent eyes, I looked back blankly. Honestly, I had no clue.

What are we gonna do..? Fuck..I didn't think about that.


"What do you like to do? I mean what are your hobbies?"

"I...I paint..I draw..Sing.."

Gee grinned, ear to ear in an almost creepily happy way. He ran to his bag, I heard the sound of a zipper being unzipped and the swish of things being pulled out. He came over with a sketch pad and pencil.

"Draw me something."

I shook my head, but took the pad of paper and pencil.

"It doesn't work like that I have to have the right mood, time, inspiration.."

"Music inspires, listen to music. Pierce The Veil is a personal favorite of mine. Any suggestions?"

"No Pierce is fine. They're a good band."

He nodded, popping the CD into my stereo system and turning it up.

May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep came on, then as it faded Hell Above blared from the speakers.

"I cannot spend another night in this home."

Gee sang, Vic's voice harmonized with his perfectly. I stared at him in awe.

"I close my eyes and take a breath real slow."

Holy shit, he's amazing.

I gotta ask em to teach me to sing like that.

"The consequence is if I leave I'm alone."

Just then, inspiration decided to smack me in the face. Hitting me hard, like a train.

Him. I'll draw him.

Gee sang, eyes closed, arms wrapped around himself, standing in the middle of my living room.

"But what's the difference when you beg for love?"

I sketched his every detail, drowning in the perfection and basically tuning out everything else. I noticed, as I drew, songs changed, but I didn't care. I had to finish this.

"I can't wait to see your brilliant face,"

His beautiful rang out, as I drew him as I saw him. Eyes closed, singing his heart out. Beautiful and vunerable.

"Light up the room around the pillowcase."

I finished Gee, adding a microphone to his hands then started on the background.

"She said, "Can you come over to my LA place?"

I grabbed the Collide With The Sky album, studying the cover art.

Gerard Gayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें