He's comfortable to be with.

Start from the beginning

"No, we didn't buy a cake." Jiwon answered while making a knot into the balloon that he just blew.

"Please try to get a cake, appa." She spoke into the phone as she went back into the kitchen.

"We'll get one!" Her father replied with a cheerful voice.

"Great. Then see you." She replied to him also with a cheerful voice and then they ended the call.

"See you, dear." After putting her phone back into her pocket she got two glasses with water and brought them in the living room.

"Have some water." She put the glasses on the table.

"Thanks." They said.

"Donghyuk-oppa, you could've called me though. I'm still in my pyjamas. If you had called beforehand I could've changed." She pouted and poked him on the shoulder. So he stopped putting the garlands which said "Happy birthday" on the wall above the TV.

"Don't poke me! It's not like it's something I never saw before. After all we know each other for a long time already." He laughed it off and continued with the decorations.

"Uhh... but Jiwon-oppa is..." Jiwon is still relatively new in Hanbin's group of friends and still new to her. So she felt somewhat embarrassed. She wore a plain one coloured oversized jersey which looked really sloppy on her. That's not the image she had always shown which made her feel a little uncomfortable. For a second she thought why she had to feel like that. It's true what Donghyuk said and why would she care for an 'image'? But after all she reasoning inside her head she couldn't get rid of that feeling. Embarrassing.

"Don't mind it...?" Jiwon said in an indifferent tone with the intention to calm her embarrassment.

"But you look good in anything anyways, Eulie." Donghyuk added while feeling somewhat sorry. "You're pretty after all."

"I know but still. I'll go upstairs and change. Be right back to help you." She went up quickly to change. The least she should wear is a proper pair of jeans and a proper blouse. She thought.

"Okay." Donghyuk said. He noticed that Jiwon was quietly giggling. "What?" He asked with an annoyed tone in his voice as Jiwon was laughing at him even though he didn't know why.

"It's just..." Jiwon tried to hold it in. "How can you say such a cheesy thing? 'You look good in anything'." It was so cringy to him he had a hard time relaxing his curled fingers.

"Well, I mean... it's true anyways?" Donghyuk said nonchalantly. If he tried to make any excuses he'd feel like he lost against Jiwon. At least that's what Donghyuk thought. So he tried to stay as calm as possible about it. But thinking back to it. His lines indeed seemed cheesy.

After Jiwon calmed down and took a few deep breaths he hesitated a bit. "Do you like her?" He then asked.

"Not in the way you mean. Since I've been friends with Hanbin for a long time... Since elementary school was it? Haneul is like a little sister. It's the same love Hanbin has for Hanbyul?" Donghyuk tried to explain. He was surprised that Jiwon would suddenly ask that. He wondered if it really seemed like that. Did he seem romantically interested in Haneul in others' eyes? Even so what he said was true. To him she was only like a little sister and it would always remain that way.

"Haneul isn't a small baby girl like Hanbyul though." Jiwon was done blowing up balloons and took a sip from the glass with water that Haneul brought. He himself didn't even understand why. But he wanted to know.

"In my eyes she is since I know her since she's been like a baby." Donghyuk sat down and joined him as he was done with the garlands.

"We're just one to two years apart of her..." Jiwon still retorted as he didn't feel convinced yet. At the same time he asked himself why he would need an explanation that's freeing him of his doubts.

Oppa's friend - IKON Bobby FF (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now