"Situ why Arjun said is right.... We don't have to waste our time and energy for these useless.... Come we have to go home as there are so many things to discuss about the traditional wedding and reception of you both" my pa came forward followed by my ma....

"Yeah Situ.... Mamma is also waiting at home" pappa told....

"Pa what about them.... We have to end this problem here itself"

"Still now you didn't understand huh??? They were trying to cook up a story because see behind" pa told....

Me and Arjun turned back to witness the arrival of police men.... Thank god .... Its time to end this Vidyan....

"Thank you Arjun...Thank you so much"

"Don't have to thank me darling....I will do Anything for you....Its just a small thing"

Few men in uniform came near us.... One among them,  whom I guessed of being  an Inspector came forward to handshake with Arjun, pappa and my pa... Then he looked at me and gave a nod meaning only known by him....

"Shall I proceed with your complaint Sir?? " He asked no one in particular....

"Yes sir you may... He is the one who kidnapped Sitara along with her parents and planned for this secret wedding...." Pappa told him pointing out Vidyan.....

Vidyan's  and others expression was priceless.... It automatically made me to smirk in victory....

I was mentally dancing senseless.... How much trouble they had caused me.... Now it's time for them to pay back.... Double the time....

"You both are really married or you are compelled to tell like that.... ??" He asked me....

"We are really married and no one compelled me to take that decision sir... This is our engagement ring and this our wedding ring" I showed him the rings which adorned my fingers...

"Did you know about this secret wedding before hand??" He shooted next question....

" No sir we don't know about this... We thought that we are here for worshipping god"....

"I asked whether you know or not....?? Don't tell as we.... Tell according to you.... Do you know that or not" he asked in a rude voice...

I am not the criminal here.... Then why he asks me in that tone....

"I don't know sir..." I told him without snapping...

"How do you- " before he could ask next question, Arjun interrupted him....

"Sir first arrest him I will bring Situ to your office and there you can ask her questions.... All are tired due to the chaos he made" Arjun told this which made me to beg god to bless him...

He gave a curt nod and went in the direction of Vidyan.....

If I was the only person there I would have happily danced for a folk song....

"Handcuff him " That inspector ordered his subordinate.....

When that constable went near Vidyan with handcuff, Devil came in between them....

She was standing like a shield for Vidyan..... That constable stood in front of her with challenging attitude...

"Get away from him before you want me to arrest you...." He threatened her....

"I won't move away from him until you give the reason for arresting him..." She told him with conviction.... How dare.....

"Don't you know the reason by now... He kidnapped Arjun's wife and blackmailed her with her parents' life to marry him"  he partially yelled at her annoyed....

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