The Getting Together

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After that first, very successful date, where Chanyeol had practically just watched Jongdae eating as he complimented the other from time to time until the smaller had been a blushing mess, before they were taking a walk at Han-River. Eating Candyfloss, while they listened to a group singing or rather, wile Jongdae listened to the group as Chanyeol kept watching him with that fond and adoring expression, they decided to go on more dates the next two months.

Because not even five days later they met another time and visited an amusement park. Joking and messing around as they told each other which funfair ride they liked the most.

So they first rode some roller coasters and after that the Bumper Cars, Chanyeol's favourite ones, before they went to the Prop Towers and the haunted houses, Jongdae's favourite ones, where Jongdae cracked up at Chanyeol's reactions towards the ghosts, zombies and corpses. He had nearly collapsed onto the ground and also almost cried out loud, when a huge spider had appeared in front of them. Scaring Chanyeol to death that he had screeched like a little girl.

It was hilarious in Jongdae's opinion.

But Chanyeol didn't find it that funny and had therefore grabbed Jongdae's head harshly. Bringing him close until they were only one inch apart with Chanyeol looking directly into the smaller's eyes. His eyes shimmering mysteriously and dark as he said with a low and playful voice, "Shut up, before I'm gonna do it for you", which had made Jongdae stop laughing in an instant.

A bright red blush colouring his face as he held his breath. Staring into Chanyeol's dark shining eyes as he saw how a small cocky grin played at the corners of the older's lips and Jongdae felt his heart pounding uncontrollably.

He felt is blood heating up and his veins burned with the need to just surge forward and press his lips against the taller's plush one. But he succeeded to restrain himself from doing so and just breathed out a silent "Okay", before he shied away reluctantly and practically dashed out the exit.

Trying to catch his breath and to calm his rapidly beating heart, because no....he wasn't going to fall for Chanyeol....Nope....

Because the man was just...too good for him.

And he felt like that another time that day.

It was evening and they were in the big wheel, enjoying the night view of Seoul. Or rather he was blabbering excitedly about it and he got the most excited, when they reached the top. There he heard a faint chuckle ad looked to the opposite of the wagon.

Only to see Chanyeol, again, looking so lovingly at him as he whispered a small "Cute", making Jongdae's heart jump another time.

And again he told himself that he wasn't in love and that he wouldn't fall for Chanyeol....; Because Chanyeol deserved better....; Because he deserved someone better than him.

So he pushed that feeling aside as he tried to relish the view he had again.

Yet, he couldn't because something deep inside his heart told him otherwise...

Told him that he was perfect the way he was and that Chanyeol also wanted him...

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