Part One - Chapter Five - Danny's POV

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Chapter Five

Danny couldn't help but to smile when Dash came rushing into the room so quickly that he'd almost landed flat on his face. Dash's hair was wet and hanging slightly over his eyes and his skin was still flushed from showering. Danny had almost forgotten just how attractive the jock had gotten over the years. Not that he was ever anything near being ugly. But time had definitely done well with him.

Danny had been staring a bit longer than he wanted to admit, but apparently Dash hadn't noticed because he seemed to be just as dazed as Danny was.

Danny wanted to test the waters, so he dared to make a few small jokes at the blonde's expense and was pretty much flabbergasted when no threats were made nor harsh comments exchanged.

"So.. umm... how do you feel? ... Damn it, no, wait, that's a stupid question, you were... uhh never mind. How much do you remember?" Dash rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Danny looked over to Kwan, whom nodded reassuringly, and then up to Dash, whom looked like someone had just kicked his puppy.

Danny went on to explain what he knew, and had heard, and how Kwan filled him in on what he didn't know. Dash looked like he was wishing that he could go-ghost and fly away.

{Come on Danny.. This is your chance. You have to talk to Dash. Kwan has said all of these things, and not that Kwan would have any reason to lie, but you know you want to hear it straight from Dash's mouth..}

Danny coughed softly, hoping to grab the other two's attention.

"Umm Kwan.. would you mind letting me talk to Dash alone for a few minutes?"

Kwan smiled and nodded, he mentioned something about fixing Danny something to eat and then he was gone.

Danny smiled at Dash and patted the bed, hopeful that the other boy would join him.

Once Dash had finally taken a seat, Danny was suddenly much more nervous and aware that they were alone, and that Dash was now close enough for him to reach out and touch.

The two exchanged looks and held one another's gaze for several moments. Neither really sure what to say or where to begin.

The raven haired boy worried his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Uhh.. I'm not really sure where to even begin." Danny spoke as he looked up at Dash. Dash looked like he was thinking about something and Danny wondered if the blonde was just as confused as he was.

Dash exhaled loudly and looked over so that his eyes met with Danny's. "I think I have an idea of where to begin..." Dash said in a hushed tone that sent a chill straight up Danny's spine. His cheek was gently cupped in one of the larger male's hands and he knew that his peaked curiosity was displayed all across his face.

Danny wasn't left in the dark for long though.

Danny's eyes were locked on with Dash's as he lowered his head, his face inching closer to Danny's.

{So much for talking things out... this soooo is not talking...}

Danny could feel the warmth coming from his former(?) bully's lips. Dash paused for a moment, almost as if he was asking Danny if it were okay.

{He's.. asking? He has every advantage here, he could do or take whatever he wanted, and yet he's asking to...}

Danny no longer felt the need to hear it all from Dash's mouth. He already knew the answer. Dash liked him, and Dash cared about him. If the day's events weren't enough to prove that, then the pause just now was. He nodded his head yes and instantly his lips were met by a fiery warmth. It was like all of those years of yearning, of pining from a distance, of wondering why and how he could like someone so.. like Dash were finally given meaning and being answered.

Having Dash's lips against his own was easily one of the best things that Danny had ever experienced. Dash was being so careful and gentle with him, but Danny wanted more. His wish was soon granted as he felt the other boy's tongue sweep across his bottom lip. Danny let out a soft moan and parted his lips, allowing Dash access, which the other quickly made use of. Danny reached up with both arms and draped them around Dash's broad shoulders, pulling the jock down closer until they were chest to chest.

Dash groaned against Danny's lips. His tongue dipping in to the smaller male's mouth, eager to explore and claim what should have been his all along. He kept his one hand against Danny's cheek and let the other slip beneath the blanket to rest on Danny's bare hip.

Dash must have forgotten that Danny wasn't clothed, because the sudden feel of taut, hot flesh beneath his finger's was a more than welcomed surprise, electing another groan from himself.

Danny arched upwards in response to the touch. Suddenly desperate for more contact.

The two were so engrossed in one another that they both jumped and were startled when one of the machines that Danny was hooked up to started beeping loudly at an increasing pace.

As if he'd been summoned, Kwan stepped into the room and shut the machine off before looking to the bed and smirking. "About damn time."

Danny was blushing crimson and Dash looked like he wanted to strangle his best friend for interrupting.

Kwan laughed and shook his head. "The next time you two decide to get one another all hot and bothered, you might want to unplug the heart rate monitor first."

"Carry on."

And with that, Kwan slipped back out of the room, leaving a very breathless, slightly annoyed, and more than a little worked up Dash and Danny.

*End Chapter Five*

*End Part One Danny's POV*

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