Part One - Chapter Three - Danny's POV

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Chapter Three

Danny decided that whatever was in that shot he had received, he needed a whole bottle of, because he felt pretty damn great for someone whom had just nearly been killed by a faceless psycho. His body was still drained and resting, but he was more aware mentally of what was going on. Almost like he was in a trance, or was a bystander watching the events of his life from a distance. He wasn't sure if that was normal or if it was just an ability that only ghosts and halfas could possess, but either way he wasn't complaining.

He'd been listening to Dash and Kwan carry-on for a while now. And he was very relieved, and surprised by the two jocks' actions. Especially Dash's. Had he harshly mis-judged the blonde all of these years?

But he was still a bully... Danny's bully... That meant Dash hated him, right?...

Danny was still confused, to say the least.

{At least my parents won't be worried... and also won't be trying to hunt ghosts inside of me... I can't believe that they bought Kwan's excuse though. Me? Playing football? Like that would ever happen. It's not that I dislike sports, I just.. Well umm.. *coughs*. Okay, Back to eighth grade. I already knew that I was gay and attracted to guys. Being the kid of famous 'ghost hunters' ... Yeah, I spent a lot of time alone in my room on the computer... uh.. studying! Yeah that's it. Anyways. First day of eighth grade, gym class, Dash was there. We were all playing basket ball and I was actually doing pretty well... until a certain dumb jock decided that he should take his shirt off... My focus was completely gone after that and I decided very quickly that maybe sports were't the best activity for me.. unless I wanted to get the shit beat out of me daily for being a fag. So rather than explaining that to anyone, ever, I always just said that I didn't like sports. Especially football.. because that was Dash's favorite.}

Danny's mind was going back and forth from the conversation in the room, to his own thoughts and memories... That is until he heard something that he's fairly certain made his cheeks catch fire.

"...Don't tell me that you wouldn't enjoy it.. ...getting all worked up and sweaty... ...Though now, knowing he is also Phantom...'d most likely just tackle him on purpose as an excuse to be on top of him..."

The drugs. It had to be the drugs. Because there was no way in hell that he was actually hearing what he thought he was hearing.

"...Better yet, maybe talk him into going home with you after the game so that you could dress him up as your own personal cheerleader..."

Danny was now sure that his face was on fire and he was hallucinating.

{Dash?! ... But... No... He isn't... He doesn't... He can't be... asdfghjk...}

Danny could hear his brain sizzling within his skull.

{Dash has thoughts like that about guys??? About... Me? But that would mean... It would make everything that's happened and been said tonight make a hell of a lot more sense though.... Could the years of bullying me all been for cover?}

{WAIT... Cheerleader?! Me?! Why Kwan, Whhhhhhhy?}

{For the love of ClockWork, I have a feeling that I'm going to be wishing I was actually dead before this is all over with.}

*End Chapter Three* 

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