Chapter One: Optimism and Opposition

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Hello, everyone! Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my book! It means so much to me as a writer, I hope you enjoy! 💖


This book contains very strong themes, such as: Violence, Drug Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Situations and Scenarios and Strong Language. This book is rated Mature so view with discretion!

On with the story !!!!!

"Stop The Game" - Chet Faker and The Flume.

<P R E F A C E>

White fluffy clouds floated against a cerlean sky. The golden sun radiated warmth, as the sea's waves clashed together like two men in a duel. It was a rhythmic sound that brought peace over the city. 

It was a early afternoon on a beautiful Spring day. The grass was healthy and viridescent. It stood as tall as Los Angeles skyscrapers.

Timid, flesh-colored flowers peaked through the dark brown soil. The blossoms gave promise of a breathtaking season.

Roxford, was a quaint town filled with stories that never reached the ear of any listener. 

For the townspeople kept feelings and experiences that were less than satisfactory hidden or quiet.

But, everything done in the dark comes to the light someday.

Mr. Pieper sat on the dock of the bay fishing. It was apart of his daily routine.

He waited patiently for his afternoon catch as nothing pulled on his fishing line.

Mr. Pieper was a patient man so he didn't mind too much.

Take his wife for example, this would make the seventh year that they've been married,

but his wife only started to love him six months ago.

Others assumed that she fell in love with Mr. Pieper because of his money.

At first they were right. 

But eventually it was his patience that won her heart over. His wife never had a man be so gentle with her.

Mr. Piepher wasn't ugly or attractive.
He was average.  

He was an average, lonely, middle aged man.

Becoming his wife gave Mrs. Piepher purpose, because he needed her just as much as she needed him.

This set him apart from the rest. It made him extraordinary to her.

Then there was Ms. Milk, a single elderly, women who lived with her daughter and two cats.

She stood in her front yard tending to her garden.

She dressed the green plants, and nursed her newborn blossoms to health.

Ms.Milk treated them with the extra love and attention that she craved in her own life.

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