"So are we totally fine?" I ask him.

"Yes. My mom told me all of these." Sam nods.

I smile and hug him. "I love you, Sam."

"I love you too." Sam hugs me back and rubs my back. "Now, please have lunch with me." Sam grins at me.

"Alright, fine." I chuckle and take his hand then start walking in the hallways with him. I walk to the cafeteria and pick up my food. I look around and there are no pasta? What the hell. "Why there are no pasta?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Principal Schuester said that pasta only reserved on Monday and Friday, so today we have mashed potatoes and red bean also tots." The lunch lady said to me.

"This can't be happening." I shake my head and pick up my tray then pay my food then put my tray on the table with the others and gets up from my seat.

"Where are you going?" Tina asks me.

"Having a demonstration to my dad." I simply said and walk out from the cafeteria then walk in the hallways and turn my way to dad's office and open the door. "Why did you cut pasta from the daily menu in cafeteria?" I ask dad.

"Too much pasta can cause obesity. Obesity is one of the biggest problem in this country." Dad says to me.

"Daddy, it's not if you combined with steamed vegetables." I roll my eyes.

"Honey..." Dad sighs.

"Look at me, I'm eating pasta everyday, am I fat? Not. Bring the pasta menu back by tomorrow or..." I smirk at him.

"Or what?" Dad raises his eyebrows at me.

"I tell mom about your secret piggy bank in home office." I smirk at him.

"You can't blackmailing your dad." Dad frowns at me.

"Daddy, you want to see me become skinny tiny like a pencil because I didn't eat pasta?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Obviously not." Dad sighs. "Alright, alright. I will return pasta back. Happy now?"

"So happy. I love you, daddy cool." I grin at him and walk out from his office. "Nice shawl, Dana." I walk out and walk back to the cafeteria and sit down on my seat. "Problem solved." I grin at my food.

"What did you do?" Sam frowns at me.

"Had a demonstration to bring pasta back on daily basis." I simply said and eat my food.

"Never know that our cafeteria has this amazing delicious cookies." Blaine says and eats chocolate chip cookies.

"Oh that's from Mike's mom's cake store. My mom really loves all the cookies and the cakes there so from now on the school ordered from them." I said to them.

"It's delicious." Blaine nods.

"Oh that store in Lima Mall?" Tina asks me.

"Yep." I nod.

"How could your mom knows his mom?" Tina frowns at me.

"His mom usually shopped at Sheets N Things. My mom said when she was checking the store, Mrs. Chang came over to her and greeted her then start chitchatting." I said to her while eating the food.

"I actually want to ask something to you." Tina says to me.

"What is it?" I turn my face at her.

"How did you deal when your parents were divorced?" Tina sighs. "I can't help, my parents are like arguing every minutes and now my mom is filing for divorce."

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