pt. 26 Birthday

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I spent my weekend hanging out and taking care of my best friend.

Hoseok came over to watch movies with us.
Jimin and Yoongi brought over dinner. Namjoon and Kia even came to visit, wanting to see how Melissa was doing. Jungkook sent a message apologizing for his absence; it was exam time at his University.

I had messages from both Taehyung and Seokjin asking after Melissa, to which I replied simply.
That was the extent of communication with those two, however.

I knew I would have to confront them eventually, I just wasn't ready yet.

Then, Monday came.

I had a lot of work to get done from missing two days.
The office had a small celebration for Seokjin's birthday, though he insisted it could wait for the weekend.

"We just have too much to do." He kept saying.

Lee Gun Ho had brought him a cake anyway.

Things were a bit awkward with Seokjin and I at first, but with time running out on our project, we both were able to look passed our tension and work together.

Chaeyoung made things a little more difficult though.

On Tuesday, she scheduled a photoshoot with a renowned photographer to model with for the campaign. She insisted on Seokjin accompanying her.

"Josephine is the art director here, Chaeyoung." Seokjin told her, frustrated, "I have a lot of other things I have to get done."

If she had been twenty years younger, I bet she would've thrown a fit.
She came close.

Until I spoke up, anyway, "I can hold down the fort here." I paused my work at my computer to look up at them, "It might be better to have a man's perspective for our photos. It's important to have the model be as comfortable as possible as well."

Chaeyoung looked at me in surprise before smiling at Seokjin, who was looking at me with a blank expression.

"Very well." He finally said, turning to leave.

Chaeyoung practically skipped over to my desk. "Thank you, Jo." She said softly before leaving with him.

I smiled wryly to myself.
She really isn't so bad. She's just young.

I paused, watching them leave together. She held onto his arm, chatting away.

He would be better off falling for her.

She was young and beautiful and full of life.
She was his equal in many ways.

And she gives him all of her attention. That's what he deserves.

Unlike me, who is career driven and confused in my emotions and just life in general.

She's younger but at least she knows what she wants.

I found myself envying Chaeyoung even more so, in a different way.

But I had to focus.

Fortunately, Hoseok was present a lot to keep Melissa company.
I was starting to believe she much preferred his presence over mine.

He really was a ray of sunshine, while I was more of a grey cloud threatening a typhoon at any moment.

But I was able to focus on work, even at home.
I was held up in my room on Friday evening working away, when I received a text from Jimin asking if I could pick up Jungkook for Seokjin's birthday party.

I almost forgot.

I agreed, shut my laptop and scrambled to get ready.

Jimin had said it was to be really casual since Seokjin's dad had planned a really formal event for Saturday night.

I was thankful for the casual theme.

I threw my hair up in a cute ponytail, freshened my makeup and slapped on a plain white tank top tucked into my most flattering high waisted jeans. I even brought out my worn out black Chuck's as the finishing touch.

Melissa had already gone to the location with Hoseok, so I left alone.

I had to GPS the location of Jungkook's dorm and arrived in good time.
He was dressed just as casually as I was, with a black hoodie and matching sweatpants. He had a dangling earring for an accent.

What a handsome kid.

Well he wasn't really a kid, but he was five years my junior, so it really felt like it sometimes.

He gave me a smile and bow as a greeting.

Still very shy, too.

I made small talk with him while I drove and he eventually warmed up to me. Especially when I started making fun of Seokjin getting older.

By the time we arrived, we were both laughing hysterically.

Jimin was waiting outside, giving us curious looks as we exited my car recovering from our laughter.

"Ah, JK, you finally warmed up to our noona." Jimin beamed.

Jungkook smiled shyly. "We bonded at Jin's expense."

Jimin laughed. "Of course, I should've known that would've worked."

I looked outside the building.
"So you rented out this entire arcade?" I asked Jimin as he led us inside.

He shrugged. "I thought it'd be more fun with just us friends."

Why have to interact with strangers when you have money?

I felt so poor, but excited; I hadn't been to a Korean arcade before.

Everyone was present except for Seokjin and Namjoon. Namjoon had the task at driving him here to surprise him.

Kia greeted me warmly with a hug, as beautiful as ever. She and Melissa seemed to have hit it off well.

I exchanged greetings with everyone else, turning to Taehyung at last.

"Hi, Tae." I said.

He looked so handsome with his hair pushed back by a thick headband. He wore baggy clothes that somehow seemed to flatter his body.

He gave me a fond smile, before kissing me on the cheek. I hugged him, his arms welcoming. "I'm happy to see you, Jo." He said into my ear.

"They're here." Yoongi announced by the front door.

We broke apart, joining the rest of the group near the entrance.
Jimin was fussing with a small cake and it's candle until Hoseok came to help.

Moments later, Namjoon entered with Seokjin close behind.

His eyes grew wide and he exclaimed in surprise.

We all started to sing Happy Birthday, the candles on his cake finally lit by Jimin.

I had never seen Seokjin look so casual. He wore these cute glasses, which I didn't even know he needed, with a crisp loose white T-shirt and fitted light blue jeans.
He was beautiful.

He laughed happily as Namjoon led him over to Jimin and the cake, before blowing out the candles.

"We have the whole place to ourselves all night." Jimin explained proudly as he helped Seokjin pick at the fruit on top of the cake. "Unlimited booze, as well."

Seokjin grinned, thanking everyone in turn.

His eyes landed on me. "You came."

I smiled shyly, blushing, "You did ask me to."

He smiled back. "Yes, I did."

Yoongi came out with a bottle of champagne,
"Let's get started, shall we?"

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