pt. 6 Oppa

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First things first: Am I wearing my clothes?


I sighed as pure relief washed over me.
My eyes begged to be rubbed but I could feel my makeup on my face. I instinctively looked down at the all white sheets and comforter in the giant fluffy bed I found myself in.
My makeup had slightly stained the pillow.


I attempted to scrub the pillow with my hand in vain.
This bed felt expensive.

I quickly flipped the pillow over and scrambled out of bed to get a bearing of my surroundings.
Soft daylight was pouring through the window that took over an entire wall.
A breeze gently ruffled the thin curtains.

I stepped over to one of the panels of window that were opened and peeked outside.

The window overlooked a spacious balcony which overlooked the city of Seoul.

The city was just waking up with the sun peeking over the horizon.

What a view...

A clattering noise brought me out of my reverie. I just remembered that this was not my apartment and I had no idea how I had gotten here.

Gathering my courage, I quietly exited the room.
The hallways were large and it was hard not to make any noise as I followed the clattering.

Eventually, I found my way to a beautiful all white kitchen, with luxurious modern appliances.

A man was cooking at the professional stove, his back to me.
I took a moment to admire the wide shoulders that were covered in black silk pajamas.

Just as I became aware of my opened mouth, Kim Seokjin turned around.

He screamed out in alarm, stumbling back into the stove, then screamed from the pain of hitting the heat emitting from it.

It was a wonder that he didn't spill anything in his hands.

"Why did you scare me like that!?" He exclaimed setting down his pan and spatula on the large white marble island.

"I-i'm sorry.." my cheeks felt ready to ignite at any moment.

Kim Seokjin waved his hand at me, dismissing the incident as his other hand rubbed his lower back, "Come sit."

I meekly approached the island and placed myself on a stool.

There were bowls of rice, stew and various vegetables before me. The smell was absolutely delectable.

"I made haejangguk. It's good for hangovers." He pushed a bowl of thick looking stew at me and handed me a spoon.

I didn't want to explain that I didn't feel hungover at all, so I took a bite.

Holy shit, this is delicious.

I began eating more.
I must've been hungrier than I thought or something, because the stew was gone quickly.
My stomach still grumbled so I reached over for the rice.
As I looked up, I caught Kim Seokjin watching me, with a satisfied and - maybe even kind - smile on his face.
I snatched my hand back and tucked my hair behind my ear, biting my lip,
"So you live here?"

His smile faded as he nodded.

He began cleaning up his pan in the sink, his back toward me, "You passed out in the car before you could give me your address. You were hard to wake up and when you did, you spoke incoherently. I figured it was best to just bring you here."

I reached for the rice bowl again and picked up the chopsticks he left out for me. I began spooning in vegetables and one of the eggs he had just fried.
"How did you get me up here?" I asked.

Kim Seokjin paused, looking over his shoulder. "I carried you, of course."

I nearly choked on my rice, reaching to grab a glass of water.

"What a stupid question..." He commented as he resumed cleaning, "How else did you expect?"

I glared at his back.

"I tried to give you clothes to change into but you are just as bullheaded when you drink as you are sober." He continued.

I was bullheaded!?

I wanted to chuck my bowl at his head but the food was too delicious and I was too hungry.

Suddenly, I was aware my cell phone was on the island when it began to vibrate.

"Oh yeah," Kim Seokjin said, turning around while he dried his hands, "Your phone has been going off all morning."

I snatched up my phone and saw missed calls and text messages.

A few messages were from my best friend in Alabama asking how my night went and such. One was from my mom. But half of them were from Jimin. Even a few phone calls.

Jimin UwU:
- I hope you made it home safely! Thank you for coming!!! I hope you had fun!!!? ^__^
- Omg, I just realized Jin took you home. O_O
- Taehyung is so sad.
- He really wanted to take you home. Kekekeke
- He won't shut up about you. I might be jealous. T_T
- Would you mind if I gave him your number?
- You must be sleeping. Sorry! ^^;

His messages continued on to the morning.

- Don't make me worried about you, noona! TT
- Jinnie hyung better not have kidnapped you! Kekeke
- okay he told me you were okay.
- AND THAT YOU ARE AT HIS PLACE!? @_@ Taehyung is crying!
- kekeke okay he is not crying but he is jealous.
- Taehyung likes you, noona. uwu

"Why is your face so red?" Kim Seokjin questioned.
I instantly looked away from my phone to see his curious face.
My throat went dry.

"Er... No reason. I just... Jimin was worried about me." I replied, subconsciously rubbing my cheek as if it'd help rub the red away.

"I know." He replied, his voice flat. "He blew up my phone. You seem to have become his favorite noona."

"Noona?" I questioned. I wasn't familiar with the term.

"You're older than Jimin. He is 23 years old. It's an affectionate term from a man to an older woman." He explained.

"Am I older than all of you?" I asked curiously.

I suddenly felt a hundred years old.

"Everyone except me." He replied, with a small satisfied, snarky smile. "I guess that means you have to call me oppa."

I glared at him.

I don't like the way he said that.

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