pt. 13 Yes

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It only took me an hour and a half to get ready.
I finally placed a perfect curl behind my ear and examined myself.
I actually did pretty well.
Makeup: on point.
Dress: perfect.
I'd find me attractive... Well, maybe if I didn't have that shape of nose---
I shoved those thoughts of insecurities down. I was going to be confident tonight. A gorgeous man wanted to spend time with me.
I'm going to be confident.
There was a knock on my door.
All thoughts of confidence flew out the window as my heart started to race.
I began to sprint to my door, but stopped halfway to walk.
I have to at least appear to be confident.
I steadied my breath, and then swung the door open.
It was as if someone punched me in the gut.
Taehyung stood in my doorway, oozing of sex appeal and just pure beauty.
His dark shaggy hair was tousled lazily and pushed back to expose his entire beautiful face.
His colorful designer button up was fitted to emphasize his broad shoulders, and tucked into his fitted black pants to emphasize his solid waist.
He held a big plastic bag full of food containers in one hand, and a bottle of wine with a single beautiful white flower with some sort of blue tint in the other.
"If we're going to have our date in your doorway, could I at least take off my shoes?" He laughed.
I snapped out of my trance and blushed, stepping aside for him to come in. He handed me the flower.
"I don't care for roses," he said placing the wine and food on the island in my kitchen. "This is something called a Smeraldo. It's just a white flower sprayed blue but I believe it shows that not everything that's beautiful has to only come from the wild." He smiled his sexy half smile and tucked a curl behind my ear, brushing my cheek with his thumb. "It shows that humans can make beauty as well, like your parents did."
I felt my face turn even more red.
He's lucky I'm a restrained woman... Or I guess it's too bad I am one.
His grinned widened. "I'm sorry you dressed up when I didn't even tell you the plan." He placed his hands on my hips as he checked me out. "But I'm also glad I don't have to share the view."
He pulled me closer and kissed me.
He kissed me much more thoroughly than last time.
I had to gently push him away, completely breathless, to ask "Jimin talked to you, didn't he?"
Taehyung's tan cheeks darkened as he scratched his head. "Kind of. But I was planning on spending the evening here with you anyway."
I was sure I would spontaneously combust from the heat on my face.
I just had to.
I stepped away from him to hide whatever look I had on my face, and peered into the bag he set on the island. I cleared my throat. "Um... So what did you plan exactly?"
He stepped up behind me, his hands coming around me to open the bag. The food smelled wonderful.
"Well, I thought we could watch a movie or something, while we eat take out. You seem adventurous in your tastes, so I got a little bit of everything." After he set the food out, his hands came to my bare shoulders, his finger lightly tracing my tattoo. "I like this." He murmured, his nose nuzzling into my hair by my ear.
My whole body seemed to have gone numb and tingly at the same time.
I had to catch my breath as his face traveled to the nape of my neck, gently kissing me.
I had to bite my lip, my grip on the island becoming harder.
Suddenly he stood up, gently turning me around to face him.
He held my face in his hands, his inches away from mine.
"What would you like to watch, my dear?"
You undressing yourself and getting into my bed...
"Um... I've been wanting to watch a K-Drama before. Do you know of any good ones?" I realized just how out breath he had made me as I spoke.
He smiled his wide boxy grin at me excitedly. "As it so happens, I do."
We found the movie on Netflix, set the food and glasses of wine on my coffee table and cuddled up on the couch.
He was right in his assumption of my adventurous taste, because I enjoyed everything he had brought.
He even fed me bites of dishes he was unsure I wouldn't like, and rewarded me with that boyish grin of his when I liked it.
When we were finished eating, he wrapped his arms around me, allowing me to lean against his comfortable chest while we watched the movie.
This is almost like how I woke up with Seokjin...
I punched those thoughts back into my stupid head.
Figuratively, of course.
I was not going to think about him right now.
It would be hard to think of anyone besides Taehyung anyway.
With the way he laughed during the movie, and how he would play with my hair randomly.
I was having a hard time paying attention to the movie, especially when his hand traveled to my hips and he began to lightly run his finger up and down my curves.
When the movie was over, we discussed the ending. He really had such a unique way of thinking. He seemed to enjoy the way I thought as well.
By the time our conversation dwindled, we had finished the bottle of wine, and he made a comment about not overstaying his welcome.
"Stay." I blurted out, the drink making me bold.
I also just really wanted him to.
He smirked, taking my chin to bring my face to his.
Our kiss turned heavy quickly, and I led him into my bedroom, never breaking it.
I began to unbutton his shirt when he took my hands to pause them.
He looked me in the eyes. "This is what you want?"
His look was so intense and words were so serious, I had to find my breath before replying, "Yes."
As soon as those words escaped my mouth, he lifted me up, wrapping my legs around him.
His kiss deepend, as I resumed unbuttoning his shirt.
He's so... Strong.
When I was finished with his shirt, he gently laid me down on my bed before removing it completely. His body was absolutely perfect: Tanned, toned but not too sculpted to lose it's softness.
I didn't think my desire for him could get anymore amplified.
And then he removed his pants.

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