The Mansion

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     It was an old, elegant, antebellum style house, with green, lacy railing making balconies on the second floor. It looked like it should still be in good condition. When they entered the house, it was dark. They were about to turn on their flashlights when a few candles lit up by themselves. They saw cobwebs everywhere. Good condition on the outside, but definitely not on the inside.  They wandered around, peering at pictures and studying the overall ambiance of the house. They climbed stairs to the second floor, to check it out, before coming into a hexagonal room with gargoyles on the sides. Lila shrugged "There's nothing here! Let's just go home. This place gives me the creeps." The group turned back to the door to find it shut. Sara tried to open it when suddenly, a man's voice laughed and startled the girls. "Well! What are silly mortals like yourselves doing in a mansion like this?" he said. "Let this be a warning to all of you. The door is locked, so there's no turning back and there are no windows or doors. So I offer you this chilling challenge... find a way out! " As he cackled, they saw something horrifying. A skeleton, hanging from the rafters. The skeleton jerked down suddenly and landed on the ground with a thud, Sending bones everywhere. Clara's face drained of color when it's skull rolled up to her feet. A passage then opened to their right. They all stood there, frozen with horror "We need to get out of here!" Sara shrieked as the trio ran out, screaming. They passed through a long hallway before coming up to a balcony. Sara had stopped. Clara was about to yell at her for stopping when she saw something. A young, transparent girl hovering in front of her. She looked to be no older than Sara, staring, almost fascinated by the sight of them.

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