Part V: Promises

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Forth’s POV

“Drive faster, Lam!” I shouted to my partner as our police car runs in the busy streets of Bangkok at breakneck speed.

“The car is practically flying!” He shouted through the loud ringing siren.

We are in a high speed pursuit against Big Papa’s men. For some reason, what’s supposed to be a simple arrest operation has become a dangerous car chase. We are now chasing three black cars, and one of them has Big Papa in it. It has to end tonight. This is already our second attempt to capture him.

All of a sudden, I hear loud pops. Gunshots were being fired at our vehicle. People from two of the black cars started shooting at us.

“Damn it! Where the hell is our back up!?” I cursed as I draw my gun, open the window, and start shooting back at one of the car’s rear corners.

I must disable their vehicles. Assessing the situation, I know we are clearly at a disadvantage. It’s just three against two at the moment. We only have two patrol cars chasing these three runaways. Not to mention that the windshield of our car is already cracked.

The next scene all happened too quickly. As the chase reached the outskirts of town, three more black cars suddenly appeared and opened fire using a barrage of heavy weapons. The other police car got hit on the front wheel and swerved right across our path.

Lam hit the brakes hard and our car screeched to a halt, bumping on the other patrol car. Lam and I hurriedly got out of our vehicle, the other two officers got out of theirs as well. Both cars are wrecked.

Speechless, we can only look as all six cars gain distance and completely disappear into the night.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I cursed as I aggressively kicked the car’s front tire.

“Forth.” Lam spoke calmly as he stared at my arm. “You’re shot.”

I gripped my shoulder as I start to feel the sting on my arm. The sleeve of my jacket felt wet, it was blood.


Lam immediately called the medics, and then called the headquarters to report on what transpired.

I look at my watch.

I can only think of Beam. It’s his birthday today. I promised him we would have dinner together.


Beam’s POV

I stirred as I slowly wake up from an unplanned nap. I had fallen asleep on the table. I checked the time. It’s already one o’clock in the morning and he hasn’t come home yet. I look at the table with the special dinner I have prepared. It’s my eighteenth birthday and he said he wants to have dinner together at home.

I sighed as I slowly packed the food in containers and put them in the fridge. I glanced at my phone, still no replies or callbacks. I probably called him more than twenty times already. My flood of texts still unread. I’m starting to worry, something must have happened. Or maybe he was just busy and got caught up with a certain case. Or maybe he just... forgot.

I sat on the chair and rubbed my chest. I willed myself not to cry. If I was the old Beam it would be very easy. I have no reason to be upset anyway. It’s not like it’s my real birthday. It’s just the date I was found at the orphanage’s door, and what they put on my personal record. I’m pretty sure I already turned eighteen days ago, or maybe weeks even.

Suddenly I heard keys jiggling. P’Forth is back! I got up and ran to the door.

I let out a gasp as I opened it. His left upper arm is bandaged and he looked so worn out. He has a surprised look on his face.

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