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You cannot control when to fall in love and who to fall in love with.

Love is spontaneous, it happens unexpectedly.

When problems arise, how willing are you to sacrifice?

What steps are you going to take to protect the one that you love?

Author's Note

This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, plot, and everything is just a pigment of my imagination.

I have no experience of going in a seminary or a convent, everything that I wrote about it was based from my research. I am not claiming that it is hundred percent right, in fact, I know that I might have made some mistakes. It is not my intention to give out false information. Remember that this is only a work of fiction.

I am open for constructive criticisms. Just leave a comment. Happy reading!

P.S. Shoutout to Ashy Yeolie who made the FMV above.

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