Chapter 13 - Tragedy Strikes.

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Two days had gone by and Annabelle was still shaken up from her encounter with the witch. She'd severed the bond between the hybrid and her offspring, ultimately making it much harder for Annabelle to track Emily down. The queen could barely feel Emily's aura now, and before it got any worse, she needed to find her.

Something evil was after them, for reasons still unclear to Annabelle. Maybe, the woman could think of a few reasons a witch would want retribution. But, any witch from that era, almost a century ago should have been long gone by now. That was, unless they'd figured out how to make themselves immortal.

Witchcraft was a nasty thing.

Annabelle needed to find out exactly what the blonde's relationship was with the shape-shifting witch that assumed the appearance of the castle's maester. After making up her mind, she struggled a bit to her feet. She would go after them today. There weren't any guards left that could take on the task with her. The queen would be taking the journey alone.

Everything that happened in the last few months was connected. Winding up on that farm, taking Emily back to the castle, the blonde woman being the only one in centuries that could carry the hybrid's offspring. It wasn't a coincidence. There was no way it could be.

For a moment, Annabelle caught herself wondering if the younger woman was in on it. At this rate, she could be behind it all. After what she'd seen, there was no way she could pretend there was no suspicion when it came to the blonde.

She shook the thoughts from her head, Emily was now the mother of her child so whatever it was, she'd have to be given the benefit of the doubt. Anabelle buckled her favourite leather boots, paired with black jeans. She tossed a few pieces of clothing into a bag and slung it over her shoulder. Victoria had no idea the forces she would be up against. This witch... could be more powerful than the sorcerer who triggered the war years ago.

There was no way the wolf could protect herself and Emily. Things would have been a lot easier if she hadn't sent Tristan off on a separate mission. The man's willpower alone made him stronger than most, if not all of her men.

The car door slammed behind her as she entered, revving the engine to a start. Annabelle tossed the bag onto the passenger seat, mentally preparing herself for the task ahead.

She stopped at every town asking questions, describing the women as best as she could but to no avail. Annabelle was about to completely give up after hours of no luck when an old man claimed to have seen the dark-haired woman a few hours ago purchasing some meat and eggs from the farmer next door.

A breakthrough, finally. One that was well needed. The queen had begun to feel hungry, tired and frustrated. If that was the case, the women must be somewhere nearby. If Victoria was seen alone, there was no way she'd travel far without Emily close behind her. And, if her suspicions were correct, Emily was simply not in any state to be out and about.

Annabelle paced outside the car for a few minutes, trying to think like Victoria would. If she was a bad ass wolf, where would she be? The woman would have found them somewhere safe to stay whilst caring for Emily. An inn would be the best bet, she thought.

Whilst travelling, checking every Inn and bed and breakfast she came across, she tried not to think of what the women would be doing in that very minute. Annabelle knew the wolf had taken a liking to Emily—in reality, what's not to like? Besides her attitude, and being a know it all, the blonde was the brightest star in Annabelle's sky.

She didn't know if Victoria's feelings were romantic, and not knowing was triggering a rage the woman was unsure she'd be able to control. Over the past few months, against better judgement she'd become attached to the younger woman. It was stupid, she knew. But everything happened so quickly—and the fact that she'd been the only one who had gotten pregnant had to mean something. Whether it was a part of a plan or not, it meant something to her.

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