CHAPTER 3: A Late Night Visit

Start from the beginning

- ROSÉ: Did you really just make that joke?

- Y/N: Yeah, um, blame it on the heat?

- ROSÉ: Y/N/N, it's 21 degrees.

- Y/N: Did you just call me Y/N/N?

- ROSÉ: Oh, uh should I not have? I'm sorry!

- Y/N: No! No, no, it's fine! I was just a little surprised... Rosie ;)

- ROSÉ: omg, I don't remember the last time someone called me that. I love it :)

You both continue to text each other, you completely abandoning the movie you were meant to be watching. It quickly became 1:00 AM and neither of you want to stop talking yet. You look over at your bag; it's unzipped and you can see your book sticking out of it. 'I think I've got a pretty mediocre excuse to go and visit her.' You grab the book, a jacket, sneakers, and your house keys. You discovered that she was home alone with Alice; they're just playing card games and watching Brooklyn 99 so you know you won't be interrupting her too much. You begin your walk to her house, AirPods in and staring up at the stars and being cautious of your surroundings. A ding interrupts your music, you've just gotten a text message from Chaeyoung. You haven't replied to her since you left the house and she wondered if you had fallen asleep. Choosing to ignore the message, you quickly jog over to her house and steady your breathing before knocking on her front door.

"Maybe she fell asleep because I took too long to reply..." Chaeyoung glances over at her phone again, then back at the cards in her hands. 'What a poor hand. I can't do anything with this!' Chaeyoung picks up another card and groans, seeing as she still can't get rid of any of her cards. She puts a card down in the discard pile and waits for her sister's inevitable victory.

"You know, Chaengie, it is past 1:00 AM. This does seem to be a time that many people would be asleep by." Alice smirks and picks up the card Chaeyoung discarded during her last turn. Chaeyoung knew that look, she just gave her sister a card she needs. Alice places her cards on the table, putting one card back into the discard pile. "Also, that's how you win at Gin. Game." Chaeyoung groans, Alice laughs. "Up for another game? Loser deals."

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door that scares them a little. "Who is that? Are you expecting someone?" Chaeyoung can only hear the sound of Brooklin 99's theme song playing in the background and her heart thumping in her chest. She looks over at her sister, who seems calmer than expected. Assuming she's correct, she's assuming it's just Y/N at the door with some grand romantic gesture. There's also a chance that it's a murderer coming to kill them, or cops coming to tell them to be quiet, but let's think positively.

"It's fine, I'll go peep through the blinds." Chaeyoung directs her attention to the show, cuddling into her fluffy blanket. Alice takes a peep, seeing you on the other side of the door, bobbing your head, rocking back and forth on your heels with one AirPod still in. 'She must be jamming along to something. How cute.' She taps on the window softly, getting your attention. You look up at her, smiling and waving at her. Alice brings a finger up to her own mouth, signalling you to come in quietly. You tip-toe inside, looking around and observing what you can with the limited light that's available. In a whisper, she asks "What are you doing here?"

In the same hushed tone, you reply with "Um... I'm not sure. I kind of just wanted to see Rosé I guess." your free hand comes up to the back of your neck, scratching it out of nervousness. Alice awes over the gesture and tells you that she's just in the living room at the back. She's going to head in first and tell Chaeyoung that it was no big deal.

The Pastor's Daughter [BLACKPINK ROSÉ x FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now