
22 1 0

My hand easily found the cool smooth handle. I felt it snatched from me, my head snapped to the one and only Austin. His black outfit filled my vision before my eyes moved up to his face. His light blue eyes looked at me, disappointed, my grin fell.

"What the fuck Aubrey?"

"What Austin?"

"What do you think your doing?"

"Taking care of something"

"What do you mean taking care of something?"

"Austin she's proved that she doesnt deserve to be with us. All she's done is cause problems and betray us!"

"Give her another chance Aubrey."

"When she proves that she can change and not be a total bitch then I'll think about it." Amanda was trying to squirm out of my grip. My head snapped to her again.

I leaned closer to her ear. I whispered in her ear, "One more chance darling or you go back outside." I dropped her to the floor before taking Emie's small hand in my own and walking to my room. I took a quick shower before sitting on my bed next to Emie.

"Hey sweetie... I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Its okay mom I understand she's a big meanie pants"

"Yea she is a big meaning pants"

I heard faint knocking on the door

"Its open" I said. The door opened to reveal none other than Dylan. Emie slid off the clean bed.

"I'm gonna go get uncle Austin." She told me and ran out of the room to find him.

"Do you need something?" I questioned.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come see a surprise... like old times?" He asked me with a playful smirk on his face. The same smirk that made me fall for him.

"Fine." I pulled my hair up in a ponytail it trailed behind me for a few inches before Dylan picked it up and put it in a bun. "Thanks."

"No problem" he replied covering my eyes. I had to fight the instinct to make him uncover them. "Close your eyes Aubrey"

"Why?" I questioned him.

"Because just do it" I gave in reluctantly and it took a few minutes.

"My eyes are closed." I felt him lead me up the all familiar stairs. My sanctuary, the roof. His hands soon moved from covering my eyes, even though my eyes were still closed.

"Open them." He said simply. I opened them and a beautiful picnic like when we first snuck out together laid in front of me. A smile grew on my face.

"Dylan.. I dont know what to say."

"I dont hate you would be nice..."

"I dont hate you this is amazing, thank you!" I threw my arms around his shoulders and pulled myself close in a hug. I felt his arms pull me close to him as well.

Soon we let go and sat on the blanket. Just talking and laughing mostly. He hasnt touched his food I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay Dylan?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You seem upset.."

"I'm not, I just dont want to lose you.." He said touching my bandaged thigh. I got a big gash from a zombie and fell which made it worse.

"You wont lose me." I said putting my head on his shoulder.

Dylan then grabbed my face between his pointer finger and his thumb and tilted my head up to look into his eyes.

"Dylan... what are you-" I couldn't even finish my sentence as he had placed his lips onto mine. The kiss we had tried to share for years now.

I felt a shiver go up my spine as my eyes fluttered shut and kissed him back. Dylan eventually pulled away. We were both breathless and blushing madly.

"I cant tell you how long I've wanted to do that.." Dylan said after he caught his breath. Aubrey just embraced him in a hug.

"I cant tell you how much I've missed you until now. I thought you were dead, gone... but I found you. Your here. I thought I lost you forever." She said part of walls she had built came crashing down as she had finally let her guard, not by much but it had come down slightly.

Dylan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him.

"Well I'm here now. Now until I die." Dylan whispered to her. Aubrey nodded softly, burrowing her face into the crook of his neck.

Hey guys I'm so sorry I've been so inactive. I got really busy with school and finals but now its summer so I can update more now. I had been losing interest in the story but I have inspiration again so look forward to more updates))

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