4 ɤ The Move (BWWM) 📋

Start from the beginning

The local girl resonated with the heartbeat of the city. After all, she was a native. Everything there was to know came from Gillian. She knew the best hangout spots, restaurants, and all of the interesting places for tourists as well as those who were newly relocated to 'The Big Easy'.

Gillian also made it her business to inform the visitors about the places of which the out-of-towners should steer clear.

With coily dirty blonde-brown hair, the twenty-year-old Cajun was a body of knowledge in an inconspicuously small package. Compared to Gillian, Honor was ill-equipped for all that came with life in the 'Big Easy'. But as long as the eighteen-year-old volunteer kept the New Orleans native by her side, Honor learned more than she ever imagined she would.

A summer of working with the charitable construction crew instilled a sense of purpose and appreciation in Honor that she took back to Dallas once she'd returned to her hometown. Before leaving the reinvigorated city, she promised to visit Gillian during her college breaks and, of course, return to finish their charitable work once her studies were completed.

Honor diligently invested herself in her studies. Living as the privileged only child of two incredibly successful attorneys, she wasn't exactly accustomed to the horrors she'd witnessed when she spent time in Louisiana, and in many ways, she felt guilty for being so blessed.

The work she did with Gillian and the other volunteers seared within her heart a desire to do something bigger than herself. That commitment made it easy for her to never forget the memorable time she donated.

She learned during her summer away that the only way to truly understand her abilities was to take full control of her own decisions regarding where she saw herself in the future.

Honor envisioned that should she become a business owner, she could build a workforce to help out disenfranchised communities. By intentionally hiring people who may not be employable elsewhere, she figured those who struggled to obtain employment might have a better chance within her company. She also imagined that by occasionally donating her skills to those in need, she would feel better about the many wonderful blessings she had always taken for granted.

Research and training taught her that she could turn her talents into a lucrative business. As she made plans to grow her own company, Honor realized her dream would never come to fruition without money.

Of course, she could have asked for her parents' help, but she needed to do it on her own. Instead of asking them for money, she lived with them most of the time as she wrapped up her interior design training and internship.

After she had been hired by the company where she completed her internship, Honor convinced herself that she would never feel comfortable borrowing money from others. Staying with her parents for a short time only made it easier for her to focus on her efforts including the one choice Honor decided to make official once she stepped into the lifestyle her parents had planned just for her.

Years of researching the logistics of owning and operating her own interior design business in New Orleans prepared her for the move she was desperate to make. It was a shame that the man, with whom she had begun to form a bond, had other goals that weren't in line with what she had already planned before they met. Even though her parents had arranged with their friends for their son to become Honor's intended, she wasn't prepared to invest herself in a relationship that would eventually leave her as miserable as she had witnessed in other arranged marriages between wealthy families.

As soon as she had enough money to turn her dreams into a reality, Honor presented Mrs. Nakagawa with a letter of resignation that included a two-month notice stating she wanted to leave in the right way.

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