Chapter Eighteen: Expectations

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Classes were over and exams had been taken. The train would leave tomorrow morning and Harry had a plan. 

He had already told Remus that he found a friend who would allow him to stay the summer. He was really upset that he wouldn't see Draco all summer, but they were going to Paris and Harry didn't want to intrude. Of course, he also hadn't actually found a friend but he was just going to let everyone think that he was staying with some random friend. He was going to go to the bathroom and wait an hour or so before leaving the, hopefully empty, station and going to the Leaky Cauldron. He would stay there for the summer and send everyone letters with his experiences at his 'friends' house.It was quite simple. It shouldn't be too hard. 

Harry continued to pace and didn't notice when the door opened and Draco stood there, watching him for a moment. 

"You're going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep on like that." Harry jumped and looked at the doorway. He stopped and walked over to Draco. 

"Sorry, I was just thinking." 

"About?" Harry smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head over, my dragon." Draco flushes lightly and Harry laughed before going back to finish packing up his trunk. "You should finish packing, we're leaving tomorrow morning." He heard Draco groan dramtically and walk towards the bed, which held his trunk and items to pack, and collapse onto it. Harry sighed and looked his boyfriend who had his buried into the comforter.

"Are you comfortable like that?" He asked incredulously. Draco groaned and rolled over.

"No," he stated, arm reaching to pull out a thick book. " I'm being abused by my own items." Harry shook his head and pulled out his wand. He flicked it Draco's pile of stuff and smiled in amusement as Draco yelled in surprise. Everything flew into the trunk neatly and Harry turned back to manually packing his own stuff. He heard Draco get up and walk towards him. "Do you need any help?" Harry turned around and looked at Draco's small smile with a bemused expression plastered on his face.

"You're asking if I need help packing my stuff?" Harry asked. "I literally just packed your stuff for you." 

"Fine nevermind." Draco grinned  and flopped onto Harry's bed. He groaned again and reached under him to pull out the book that was digging into his back. Harry just laughed.

The train ride went smoothly, no one suspecting any of the worries that we're running through Harry's head. They bought lots of treats and, with so many people being in the compartment, we're piled all over each other. Th compartment  was filled with laughs and jokes and a few shows of magic. They arrived at the train station and Harry took a shaky breath before standing up and shrinking his trunk to place in his pocket. 

"Hey Harry," The brunet turned to see Neville looking at him.


"You have everything?" 

"I think so. I sent Hedwig and Ibis ahead. Anguish and Nigrum are asleep on my shoulders and Moony and Snuffles are right here." Neville raised an eyebrow and laughed a bit before walking out of the compartment. 

"See you in September Harry," The boy called as he left.

"Bye Nev," Harry looked around and noticed that everyone had already left except for Draco. "Seems like everyone already left." Draco raised an eyebrow and stretched out his hand. Harry took it in his own happily and whistled for Moony and Snuffles as they walked out. 

"You were a bit deep in thought." Draco said. Harry just smiled reassuringly at the blond and kept moving onto the platform. Harry caught sight of a pair of blond hair and pointed it out to Draco. They walked over and were greeted by smiles from Cissa and Luc. 

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