Chapter Thirteen: Prospects and Discoveries

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A/N: Welcome loves to the next chapter. I just want to say thank you guys for over ten thousand reads. I never thought this many people would read my story and I am so grateful that you guys apparently like this story. So just wanted to say thank you real quick. Enjoy the chapter loves!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Third POV

Harry and Draco sat, wrapped up with each other, in the train compartment with the twins, Neville, Blaise, Pansy and Theo. They had been on the train for just over four hours and were halfway to Hogwarts. They were talking, laughing and overall just having fun. Well they were, until Weasel showed up. 

"Well, well, well," The ginger sneered as he slid the compartment door open. "Look what we've got here. Two family traitors, a cowardly lion, a pug faced girl, a boy with no daddy and a slut of mother, the no mother or father Death Eater scum and the two fags." (A/N: I hate using these words im sry). Harry and the rest sneered at the ginger in disgust. 

"Wow, you're abandoned by your own brothers and shunned by the Boy-Who-Lived," Harry let his gaze linger on the boys disgusting blue eyes. "And you can't handle it. I suggest you leave. Or do I have to remind of what happened during flying lessons last year." Weasel sneered before he slammed the door closed and stomped out of the train car. Harry sighed and slumped against Draco. "Don't take this the wrong way, Fred, George, but I really hate your brother."

"We hate him, too-"

"So don't worry about it-"

"Yeah, at least you don't have to-"

"See him everyday at school and home." Harry sighed again and nodded with a pitying look cast at the twins. He stared out the window and watched the greenery pass by as he lightly played with Dracos fingers that were entangled with his own. He looked back at the group and gave a small smile of contentment before a frown marred his features. 

"What do you guys think will happen with Lockhart?" Everyone displayed a worried and slightly disgusted expression on their faces. 

"I don't really know, " Blaise leaned forward to rest his arm on his knees. "But we'll protect who we can. I mean the man at the shop did say that a bunch of people had already been to him and I wouldn't be surprised if some people went to other jewelers." Harry nodded rolled his neck, unhealthily popping the joints. 

"We'll ask around," He stated. "We'll ask if anyone needs a bracelet or knows anyone who does." The group nodded and drifted into momentary silence, all staring off into space. Harry thought back to all the books he had read at the manor. The Malfoys had a huge library with a vast varieties of topics. Not to mention all the books he had gotten from Theo on his birthday. He had read through all of the books for the school subjects, but he had yet to go through the healing, creature and Dark Arts books. He had thoroughly enjoyed the potions, defense and, surprisingly, the transfiguration books. He read about a magical transformation called the animagus transformation. It was a long and difficult process, consisting of placing a mandrake leaf under ones tongue for a month, then adding it to a potion of a piece of the hair, a teaspoon of dew that has not seen sunlight or been touched by a humans foot for a week and the most difficult, a Death's-head Hawk moth's chrysalis. And then, while waiting for a lightning storm, one must recite the incantation Amato Animo Animato Animagus, with the tip of their wand pointed over their heart, everyday without fail during sunrise and sunset. Then when the lightning storm does occur, they must recite the incantation one last time before drinking the potion. If any part of the process was delayed or wasn't done properly they would have to start all over again.  Harry was rather eager to attempt the transformation, but he wanted to wait until he had gotten better at magic, and until he brought it up with his friends. Which he could do know.

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