Second Chance

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Requested on Tumblr: Damian and Reader are teens and they break up cause it was for the best. A couple weeks later, both Reader and Damian get invited to a party, and reader lowkey likes the host. Damian see's them together and gets jealous. 

You knew that dating Damian Wayne would be troublesome. You knew deep down that eventually things wouldn't end well. In the end, you were right.

Damian had broken up with you to "protect" you. You weren't surprised, just let down. After the breakup, you and Damian didn't talk to each other unless it was necessary.

A couple weeks after the break-up, you were personally invited to a party by a boy at your school. The only reason why you accepted was that you had a small crush on the host. And because your best friend convinced you.

In the end, it was worth going.

At the Party...

There was one thing Damian hated more than being grounded from patrol and that was being in public functions with people he didn't associate with. But nooooooo, a certain Dick wanted Damian to get over his little brooding session by dumping him off at a classmates party. So now he was in the darkest corner of the party glaring at everyone and everything.

Then he saw you. Pain and jealousy took over once he noticed the host of the party had their arm around you. He angrily took a sip from the cup in his hands before placing it down on a nearby table.

He glared at the host as they lead you out towards the backyard. Damian silently left his corner and headed upstairs. Once he found an empty room he ran towards the window, opened it and climbed up onto the roof.

He sneaked over to the back of the roof, to where you and the host were located and observed what you two were doing. You two were laughing about something stupid before h/n started to kiss you and that sparked something unknown in Damian. And there just happens to be a bucket full of water next to him.

Damian waited patiently for h/n to get closer to the house before tipping the bucket over the edge. He grinned as he heard a string of curse words and saw them back away from you.

"Are you okay?" you asked, reaching out towards them.

"Uh yeah, just... crap... let me go change I'll be right back," they said as they backed away from you. You nodded and watched them go back inside the house.

You leaned against the house and sighed. The loud music of music reaching your ears as you ran a hand through your hair. A bucket falling from the roof was quite unexpected... and suspicious.

Before you could do some investigating, h/n walked up to you. This time his clothes weren't wet, but their hair was a bit damp. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, sorry about that..."

"It's fine," you giggled. h/n smiled as they closed the space between the two of you. Before their lips even touched yours, someone pulled you from your spot and wrapped their arms around your waist. You tried pushing against their chest but it didn't help.

"Sorry, but they're taken." You froze when you recognized who it was. It didn't help that after he spoke he kissed your blushing cheek. Damian spun you around so that you were facing the front and pushed you towards a side gate.

Once you realized what was happening you turned around and started smacking Damian's chest as hard as you could. "What the hell you imbecile!"

Damian rolled his eyes as he lead you to his car, your hits doing nothing to stop him. Realizing you wouldn't be able to stop him, you got in the car and avoided looking at him.


"y/n you can't ignore me forever."

"I can try!" you shouted. "Why the hell did you do that?!?!"

Damian shrugged his shoulders, his eyes occasionally glancing towards you. "No reason."

"No reason? No reason!?!? Damian, you always have a reason!"


You groaned in frustration. This was getting you no answers and you were getting pissed. Not that you weren't already. The entire car ride was spent either in silence or you and Damian shouting at each other.

The moment he pulled up to your house you got out the car, not waiting for him to stop. "y/n wait!"

Damian quickly stopped the car and followed after you. "Please wait!" he said pulling you towards him.

"What do you want!"

"A second chance..." he mumbled. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. A second chance?


He sighed as he let you go. "I... the was a mistake. I made a mistake. Please?"

This time you sighed. "Damian..."

"I understand if I messed up, but please just think about it?"

You could tell he was being sincere but was forgiving him the best option? Your mind was telling you no, but your heart was telling you yes.

"One chance. That's it. If you screw it up it's over, understand?"

Damian's face lit up like a child's on Christmas morning. He pulled you towards him and peppered your face with kisses. You giggled and pulled away from him. "I understand and I apologize for what I did earlier."

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to h/n."

"If it makes you happy then, of course, beloved."

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