Justin has been sleeping for three hours now, and I started to get worried, because his skin was cold and pale. "J-justin? Wake up Justin, you need to shower.." It took a couple tries but finally he woke up. I felt relieved, It sounds kind of strange, but I think I might like him... He got up, still groggy from his nap. I could tell because his eyes were now a light gray color. Aliens' eyes change color with their moods. Purple is crying, or sad, red is anger, black is love, blue is happiness, and gray is tired or stressed, and I'm guessing Justin was tired. "H-help?" Justin asked. Oh great. He can't shower on his own. "Let's go, it's upstairs." He made grabby hands and grabbed my hand and held it the whole way. Im not a very "touchy" person, but I could get used to it for him. When we got to the bathroom he took his jeans and boxers off, and got in the shower. He obviously didn't know how to turn it on, but I didn't want to see him naked, so I just told him. "Turn it left for hot and right for cold, for warm put it in the middle." "Mkay" he said as I walked out. I went downstairs and sat on the couch and watched tv, waiting for him to be done.

Justin's POV

I stood in the shower, staring at the handle. What did she say again? I could understand English, but I forgot what she said. Right for warm? I tried it and almost screamed at the freezing cold water spraying on me. I didn't know how to fix it so I just sat down, shivering, and whimpering. I must've been in here for a while because Victoria came up and knocked on the door. "Are you alright in there Justin?" I was too cold I speak, and I was shivering too much. "I'm coming in ok?" She opened the door and pulled back the shower curtain, not caring that I sat there, naked. She noticed me shaking and put her hand under the water. "Holy crap Justin this is freezing! Why didn't you change it to warm?" I didn't know the English words to tell her that I didn't know how to, so I just shrugged. She fixed the temperature for me so it was perfect. "T-thankyou." I managed to say. "Your welcome" she said, walking out of the bathroom. I finished my shower and put on the clothes she gave me and walked downstairs. She was watching tv, I've never seen one before, because they don't have them on my home planet, I've only heard myths about them, so I was mesmerized. "Is that a t-tv?" She giggled at my lack of knowledge. "Yes, it is, are you hungry Justin? You can sit here and watch tv while I go make us some food. How about spaghetti?"

I didn't know what spaghetti was, but anything sounded good right now. I haven't eaten in days. I just nodded and sat down to watch the show, which Victoria said was called "Spongebob".

A few minutes later she came back with two bowls of spaghetti. As soon as I saw it, I recognized what it was. "Bonzai!!" Bonzai was my absolute favorite food! I ate it all the time on my home planet, and I loved it so much. "What?"

"Bonzai Bonzai bonzai!" She didn't understand. "You mean spaghetti?" She said pointing to the bowl. "On m-my planet is c-called bonzai, and it's my favorite!" She started laughing and said "Justin, on earth, it's called spaghetti." It's probably the same thing, just different names. She gave me a fork and I started eating. "Mmmm so g-good V-Victoria!" This was exactly like the bonzai my mom used to make. "How do you know my name Justin? I never told you." When an alien meets a human they like, which is very rare, they have a special connection, which tells them everything about that person. I just shrugged again. I need to learn English better, or I will get nowhere with Victoria. After we finished eating, we just watched tv until it was time to sleep. "Justin, can you sleep here tonight?" I really didn't want to be alone, I'm afraid of the dark and I needed her. "I'm s-scared of d-dark" I said starting to cry. I could feel my eyes changing and she came over and hugged me. "Sssh it's ok baby boy, I'll leave the kitchen light on for you, is that alright? Then it won't be dark ok?" I sniffled and puffed out my bottom lip. "Y-yes." She let go of me and got me a blanket and a pillow. "Here you go Justin, going to bed now, just call me if you need anything ok?" I nodded and laid down. My body was sore and achy, so I needed this rest, although I slept for three hours earlier. "G-goodnight Victoria, I-I love y-you.." I froze into spot. Did I really just say that? I'm used to saying that to my mom before I go to sleep, so I instinctively said it to her. I wonder what she will think, I hope she doesn't get mad. I tear up at the thought of her being angry with me. Before I know it, I'm drifting off to sleep.

Victoria's POV

I started walking upstairs when I heard Justin say he loves me. Was that just an alien thing or did he really love me? Probably not, it's too soon. I didn't know what to say so I just stayed quiet. I went up to my room and got ready for bed. I was in bed about to fall asleep when I heard whimpering. Justin was probably just having a bad dream, I don't feel like getting up. I finally fell asleep, but I was awaken probably 20 minutes later to Justin standing in doorway, crying. "What's wrong Justin? Why are you awake?"

"I h-heard noise" he said in between sniffles. "Come here Justin, you can sleep with me then." I was too tired to deal with him right now so he crawled in bed next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his head in the crook of my neck. "G-goodnight" he whispered. "Goodnight Justin"

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