𝐸𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉: 𝒜𝓃 𝒰𝓃𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹𝓁𝓎 𝒱𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓉

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Daniel's POV
Lately Joey has been very depressed about his mother, yes I've met his mother before but I've never seen someone with so much negative shit to say, even to her own son, how could she say those things to him though, not only is he her son but Joey's mine too, and you aren't allowed to walk all over, at least not when I'm around and I'm not going anywhere, I'm always gonna be here for him but when I see him broken down like that, in a position like that, it hurts me more than it hurts him, because he's my baby too. So I wanted Joey's sister and his father to come here and stay with us for a little while to make him feel better, I just wanted to see his smile again, because if he's not smiling then I'm not smiling. Nicole and Joey's dad we're supposed to be here sometime in the afternoon today and plus we're just getting into the new year and I want him to at least be able to have happiness for a certain amount of time, especially soon because our wedding is going to be in a couple of months and I definitely want that smile to be back by then, but now I have to get out of bed to make Joey breakfast before his family gets here!
I woke up with Joey on top of me, I could hear his mellow snores and his soft breathing on my bare chest, I could stare at him all day and night but we can't do that, at least not now, right now I need to get to the kitchen. I stroked his hair then kissed his nose then he smiled, finally, I've waited to see this all morning.
"You hungry?" I asked as I set him off of me to his side of the bed as I looked into his eyes.
He nodded as he was ready to get up out of bed but then I stopped him and set him back in bed.
"You can lay in bed and I'll make breakfast" I said as I stroked his hair and leaned in for a kiss.
"Ok" he said as his lips met mine, it was short but sweet at the same time, the taste of his lips still lingered on my lips as I headed downstairs.
                   ☁️30 minutes later☁️
I lifted the breakfast upstairs to Joey as I walked into our room, my angel was fast asleep, he was so cute, he looked so handsome and so peaceful when he's asleep. I walked over there and set the plate on the bedside table lightly so I wouldn't wake him up. I kissed his forehead softly and he must've been halfway awake because he raised his right hand to my cheek and pulled me into a kiss. We were very gentle and subtle with each other during the kiss, next thing I know Joey started pulling me into the bed with him not breaking the kiss. I was on top of him as we broke the kiss, I remembered that his dad and sister's flight was going to be landing soon and they were supposed to be here in a few mins so we couldn't have morning sex, but he'll get something soon.
Joey's POV
After Daniel left I was so tired from staying up so late last night with Daniel crying my eyes out that I just drifted off to sleep but before I closed my eyes, I head footsteps walking upstairs, it was Daniel, so laid back down and closed my eyes so I would look like I'm asleep and surprisingly, it worked, until he came to me and kissed my forehead, I couldn't stay still any longer, so I brought his lips to mine and had him get on top of me until he broke the kiss, he said that he had a surprise for me, I was excited for this!
Then all of a sudden I heard the doorbell and we headed downstairs, Daniel behind me told me to open the door and there was my sister and my dad! I immediately hugged them both so tightly, I haven't seen them ever since Nicole's wedding, I'm so happy but then my happiness got crushed when another person walked into my home... my mother.
729 words, I can't wait for the next chapter! Thank you for all the sweet comments about this story! I really appreciate it, I never thought it would turn out like this but personally, I love this whole experience! ❤️🥰
~Danielle 💞☁️🌙

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