Part 49 - Untraditional

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Wedding bells chimed mockingly as you waited, in a rather extravagant hall. It wasn't church-like, it wasn't a typical setting. Granted, it was absolutely beautiful; but in no way it was a traditional wedding. Besides you was your mum, dressed in a pastel blue dress with a fancy hat placed on her head. When she was off work and dressed up, she looked beautiful. You smiled at her, until she caught your eye. Returning a smile, but hers much happier.

Mum: "what about this for a venue huh?" She teased, looking around the large, spiralling walls which connected in a grand arch far, far above you. There was silk décor gliding from one side to the other, extravagant and slightly dramatic, if I do say so myself.

Y/n: "yeah it's beautiful.." still captivated by decorations, but now playing with your hands nervously, you bit the inside of your cheek staring at the empty alter. Your mind was so focused on the podium, you didn't even notice your mother sighing, until a matured hand landed on your shaking ones.

Mum: "Y/n.." you looked up to her, her overworked eyes were now soft, empathy pouring onto you as you managed a weak smile.

"We can leave now, the ceremony hasn't even started. No one will know and-"

Y/n: "No! No I need to see this mum. If they're going to be married for years now, I need to see it so I can overcome it, face first" you gave a keen smile and nodded firmly.

Mum: "well you're much smarter than I was at your age, that's for sure" she laughed heartily, ruffling your hair making you giggle in response.

Y/n: "And it's not like we're living in a book. We all know what'll happen today, and that's fine with me" you gazed out to the later, a new found confidence filling your awaited the ceremony and prepared to consume it all eagerly.

Mum: "you've always lived your life so stubborn dear" a chuckled sentence escaped her breathy lips, as she shook her head and organised her purse.

Y/n: "what's that supposed to mean?"

Mum: "just have a little hope dear, no one can predict the future" she winked, before rising a finger to her lip as the room started to liven, voices lowering, chairs shifting and attention focusing.

He appeared, from one side of the 'stage', he appeared swiftly. A crisp white dress shirt clung to his body well, tight, dark navy trousers escaping toned legs and a fitted, navy blazer finishing his look. His hair was neat, slicked back revealing his forehead. Eyes fixated on the ground and jaw tensed. Technically, he looked incredible. But that's not how one should look on their wedding day. One should be smiling uncontrollably, shaky with nerves but laughing with excitement. One should be happy. One should be waiting for you to walk down that aisle...

Reality hit you hard as a tear threatened to fall. You quickly wiped it away, coughing and clenching your jaw to prevent any water-works. You didn't want to show emotion and especially not here. Your hope was slowly starting to decrease as you realised just shat was bout to happen. Seungchol was getting married, and it wasn't to you. But that remaining hope as suddenly fed, giving you a weird feeling in your stomach.

A blue bow escorted his neck, a minor detail yet shined among darkness. A smile found your face as you realised what it there for. That blue bow symbolised you. Though you couldn't physically be together, you both promised to always be together. He made a commitment to you, saying he would "never let you go", and he certainly wasn't going to,

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