Part 39 - Strictly Business Pt.1

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You had on your best dress, and you didn't always dress up this nice. Your mum was very happy to see you in something other than joggers and a baggy jumper, and the smell was getting too overwhelming at this point. With your most comfortable painful shoes on, your dress slightly too short and your hair flowing loosely, you got in your mums car and set off.

Mum: "Ah! Silly me, almost forgot Mark" she giggled and you groaned. He's a great guy with a fun personality, but you prayed to god she would've forgot.

Y/n: "Aha, yeah" you lightly smashed your head against the window, pulling up outside his house coincidentally. A wide smile and a fresh suit clung to him as he quickly approached the car, you sunk further and further with every metre he closed the gap with.

Mark: "Evening!" he came and sat in the front, your mum driving and you in the back feeling like a naughty child.

Mum: "Good evening Mark! How are you?" they engaged in useless chat whilst you just started out the window, not looking anywhere specifically just enjoying the boring ride, over it already but too nervous to get out.

— — —

Tables were set, glasses half full and lights dim; a moody yet professional atmosphere which consumed many business women and men. Your mum guided you carefully to a table where you would be seated, surrounded by intimidating women and very serious men, you felt so inferior. Having Mark there gave you a little sense of comfort though, mainly as he had a hard time keeping his mind to himself.

"This is amazing! Look at that, his watch is pure gold!"

You laughed and smiled at your mum who was looking very nervous. She had to give a big speech tonight, representing her whole restaurant firm. Her hands shook and she bit her lip terrified, you hated seeing her look so weak. She was trying to show case her catering and make more people aware of her successful, but small restaurant chain. She'd need at least one good offer to go home satisfied, but she looked as though she wouldn't get any.

Y/n: "Everything will be ok mum, you got this"

Mum: "Thats sweet of you Y/n, but look at all these people, I've already spilt a little chardonnay on my dress!" she patted it forcefully and you couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh don't mock me in times like these!" she carried on abusing the stain and you kept laughing.


Y/n: "I don't usually see you like this, not anymore anyway" you giggled but she looked up, a little sadness in her eyes.

Mum: "I guess you don't see me much at all"

Y/n: "Mum, i know how hard it is for you" your hand found hers as you squeezed it tight.

Mum: "I know you do, just remember i love you darling and i'll do whatever makes you happy" she smiled and you blinked hard to resist the loving tear in your eye.

"Silence all, we must begin soon"

Here we go!

— — —

Quite frankly,

you had no idea what was going on!

People went upland announced large statistics. Some people got multiple offers, some got none, returning to their seats sadly and chugging some alcohol as a result. Your mum had reached the point where she kept her poker-face, looking sternly out in front of her. Granted, she looked quite threatening, but you knew this was all part of her plan. And you had so much respect for her.

Finally she got called up, everyone clapped as yours outshone the others. Whilst she set up, strangers tried engaging in degrading chat.

"You're still a student?"

"A sports academy?"

"But what are your plans for the future?"

"Almost an adult and you still live at home?"

You politely nodded and just internally swore at all of the stuck up twats around you. Mark scoffed with you. You weren't sure if it were the alcohol or the alcohol, but he was growing on you. You joked and laughed throughout the night, enjoying his company. Only until the tension rose with an awkward encounter.

"Oh Mark, you're here also!"

you both turned and you felt sick.

Shit shit shit shit..why is he here!? You hadn't told him about this, more importantly that you were bringing a 'date'.

Mark: "Hi Rose, fancy seeing you here!" his mindless brain greeted her as she smiled at him, tightening her grip around 'her' partners arm.

Rose: "You're with Y/n, well i guess you really are desperate" she laughed and he looked at her confused, whilst you slowly looked up to meet the predators stare.

Mark: "Desperate? Y/n's great, she invited me here also.." thanks for making the hole deeper idiot!

Rose: "How the hell do you belong somewhere like this?"

Y/n: "Mum"

Rose: "No need to be so blunt"

Y/n: "You say that after insulting me?" you stared at her, swallowing the horrified lump in your throat.

Rose: "Whatever, me and Seungchol better be off. You could say this is one of our many dates" she smirked down at you and the nervousness was definitely still there, but your anger rising to join it.

Mark: "Why would that bother Y/n?" you shot her a look, your eyes for once in your life, begging for her to keep her mouth shut.

Rose: "Oh this is rich, you don't know" her tone was so snarky you were so disgusted but equally so afraid. You couldn't risk this getting out..

Y/n: "Rose please" you whispered so lightly, of course her eagle ears picked up on it, eyes fuelled with evil as her grin widened.

Rose: "Well Mark, these two-"

Coups: "-Enough. Have a good evening" he grabbed her hand and led her off briskly, sending you a cold glare as he left.

Mark: "...that was weird.." he joked, turning back to the table but your mind was elsewhere..

"I now present to you, Mrs Hong"

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