Part 27 - Jigsaw Feelings

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Running, you sprinted to the spot. Your spot.

You ran so fast, you hadn't moved to much in so long due to a chained down near depression which consumed weeks on end of your happiness. But not anymore. Now was the chance for change. You remembered how you ran to his house that night. The memory of desperation reminded you of what you were fighting for, and what you couldn't let go of.

The slippy path posed no threat compared the war inside your head. You ran down and could see it through stripped trees,

the bridge.

"Do you promise that no matter what happens, no matter how many fights we have, we'll always come back to this bridge?"

You made a promise that day, and so did he. Hand in hand, pinky in pinky, heart in heart you swore to have eternal love and trust.

You arrived, your tears fogged your vision and you made out a figure sitting on the bridge. Your heart dropped and a sense of joy warmed your frozen heart. You ran, stumbling and landed on the bridge. Making your way along you couldn't hide the happiness and you opened your closed eyes and looked out, just to see a sight which made you feel so-

...he wasn't there.

That feeling of worthlessness and self doubt started to explore you again. A childhood habit of failing to see the good in yourself creeped up like a shadow as you fell to the ground.

"Y/n? Please wake up.."

A soft, playground voice chirped in your ears and you felt a timid warmth around you. You blinked, seeing pitch black but hearing water. You were still there, but not held by Seungchol despite how much you craved him. You looked up and sighed, ashamed.

Joshua: "Who did this to you..potato?" you couldn't even have one emotional moment with him. It worked though, as a smile appeared and you whole heartedly sighed, fining the strength to sit up.

Y/n: "You'll kill me" a strained voice belonging to you whispered silently.

Joshua: "I haven't killed you in seventeen years, i doubt i will now" he rubbed your back soothingly and you spilled everything out.

— — —

You opened the door and Wendy was for some reason there. A huge weight was lifted from you after speaking to Josh. Though he was kind mad and upset (mainly because he didn't know) he understood to the best of his ability and helped make you feel so much better. You finally felt as though you could move forward with life, with or without him..

A night of too much food and giggles which cheered you up immensely, giving you reason and courage to face the day.

— — —

"Ok so i think we'll have budget first, them general planning and last decorations?"

you were in another meeting, planning the prom. Everyone seemed happier as you were actually alive in the meeting. Everything was great, working out and you were about to pack up when Rose piped up.

Rose: "And what team will you be in?" her pettiness genuinely amused you and you just smiled.

Y/n: "Better question, why are you even here?" you smugly smirked and everyone lightly chuckled and she started to get more mad, you could've sworn you even saw Coups laugh.

Rose: "I have to be with my baby at all times" she snuggled his arm and he kept looking forward, uninterested by she still clung on.

Y/n: "All times? Talk about desperate" you emphasised the last word and some of the others laughed louder whilst you got your stuff ready to leave the tempting scene.

Rose: "You're just jealous. Just because i got Seungchol and you didn't" she shouted deafeningly loud and everyone looked in horror. But you knew better, remaining calm and collected.

Y/n: "Jealous of what? A forced, unrequited relationship?"

She looked as though she was about to blow. Her veins protruding out of her neck and eyes bulging.

Rose: "You know what!?-"

Coups: "Just leave it Rose, you're acting childish" he pulled her back and she looked up in shock whilst you just laughed.

Rose: "Whatever, I'm going to talk to my father about the arrangements" you were confused at her comment, but shrugged it off. More importantly, he didn't go yet.

Y/n: "You need something?" the air was thick with awkwardness.

Coups: "No, i'm going.." he still couldn't manage eye-contact and shuffled out the room uncomfortably. You slammed your head on the desk and groaned. These eMoTIonS

— — —

~Friday - 6:37pm~

You were setting up for the prom. Tensions were high and for some reason Rose had the clipboard, running around and ordering everyone of what to do and say. Surprisingly, picking on you the most. You just ignored her, joking with Dino and The8. The trio of you all worked hard and made the hall look really nice, a change from the usually sweaty gym hall.

 The trio of you all worked hard and made the hall look really nice, a change from the usually sweaty gym hall

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

You high-fived and switched on the lights watching the fairytale come to life. Sure it wasn't perfect, but nothing is.

♥︎Enemies Lust ~ S.coups ff♥︎Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα