Part 44 - Loosing Sight

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-March 26th-

Exam season was upon you. Everyone wanted to get it out the way to enjoy a suspended sports day. Revision sessions suddenly packed, the library witnessing new-found friends who would undoubtably leave as soon as exams ended. But who really cares about school? How about you.

Truth be told, you were ok now. You didn't have to be perfect to survive you'd discovered, just about breathing and getting through each day became easier and enjoyable. And now time for the real stress.

— — —

-Thursday 7:21pm-

You were sitting sitting at your desk; bored. You'd crammed on so much revision you are fed up and tired, ready for a long break. 

Mum: "Y/n, mind if I send someone up?" Her smiling head popped round the door. She now knew about everything..almost everything anyway. She had been trying for weeks to set you up on a date and unsurprisingly, you had denied each time.

Y/n: "Mum, you know i have exams next week. I need all the time i can ge-"

Mum: "Ok they're coming up!" 

Y/n: "Um no actua-" you yelled as she slammed the door, followed by stumbling, fast paced footsteps and murmured conversation. 

A couple of minutes passed until your door-handle started to twist. You looked over unamused, until it stopped; halfway. Now your curiosity heightened as you moved back on your chair, inspecting the now so intriguing door. One arm draped across the back of the chair, the other tapping a pen onto your desk, eyes lazily drooping, staring at the door as it slowly opened. The spring rain started to heavy outside and your candle lit room flickered, as the door opened, letting in cold air and an even colder presence. 

Your pen dropped unintentionally, eyes fixated on the tall, strong figure before you. 

You felt sick. 

Your heart pulsated terrifyingly as your stomach curled and tucked, darting inside itself  as a hard lump was forced down your throat.


Mum: "I'll just be downstairs!" her innocent tone snapped you out of your daze as your eyes darted towards her, staring with hells fire ignited in them. after passing and picking up on the tension, she slammed the door shut followed by the turning and locking. 

Great; she'd locked you in your own room,

accompanied by the one and only,


And by god, he hadn't changed one bit. 

Though his hair now hung loosely across his forehead, covering his smooth, tanned skin. His eyes just about visible were protected by circular frames; yet his forest brown eyes still shinned in the orange candlelight. Fitted denim jeans and a simple white top clung to his figure; a masterpiece he could be described as. But that didn't mean you'd fall for him again. 

Coups: "So it's been a couple of months.." he just about got out, voice low and quiet. Coasted in shame and nerves as he shifted on his feet, unsure of what to do or say. Mirroring your exact mood.

Y/n: "I hadn't noticed" you tried to keep your tone cool and sharp, uninterested and reluctant. If you could lie to him maybe you could lie to yourself.

Coups: "Y/n please don't make this harder for me" head hung low, you looked up briefly seeing him standing there, suddenly appearing much smaller and weaker. 

Y/n: "I don't know what you're talking about"

Coups: "Don't you? Of course you wouldn't, I'm a mere shadow to you i suppose. A stranger in your own home.." his words were torturous. 

Y/n: "Why are you here?" 

Coups: "Do you think i wanted to come?" that hurt more than it should've. 

Y/n: "Then why are you here?" he was still standing there, little bit further from the door but still not close to you. Just standing there, silently standing and thinking, waiting and standing. 

Coups: "My mum's downstairs"

Y/n: "You mean our mums are downstairs together!? Your mum is in my house?" the memories of the arguing and the shooting came rushing back as your head started to spin. You felt light-headed and nervous as you stumbled forward.

Coups: "No Y/n, leave them. They need to speak-" 

Y/n: "Get her out of my house right now" The heartache, the flashbacks, all the feelings were too overpowering as you continued to stumble towards the door, towards him. 

Coups: "Y/n please! Please leave them and sit down. You look so pale" he went for your arm but with the little energy you had left you snatched it away. 

Y/n: " g-get that woman ou-t of my h-house..right now-" your words slurred as your vision faded. 

Anxiety rattled your body as you felt your sight blurring, your body failing and your heart weakening. The last thing you remember from that night was looking out, looking up and looking at him. Throughout all the arguments, the tears, the laughs, the pain, the love; the whatever was thrown at you. 

The look he gave you could never be shaken nor disregarded, as his eyes pierced yours

whilst your body hit the wood.

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