twenty-eight; marrying eggs + random college kid [edited]

385 18 16

alex's pov

"I'm dying," Is the first thing I hear when I wake up. John is on the floor, tangled in his blankets, and he does look dead, "I fell off the bed," He looks at me. I look back at him blankly and John gets up, "Come on, I'll make both of us food since I'm awake now." He says.

I look at his digital clock, "It's five in the morning."

John stops and looks at the clock, sighing, "Well, Alex, somewhere in the world people are eating breakfast. So let's do that!"

I want to grab him and force him to go back to sleep, but I know John. If he wakes up once, he can't go back to sleep. He's always too energetic, positive, and ready for every day. I don't understand how he got to be this way in the first place, but it's nice being around someone with personality.

Unlike Thomas.

Yeah, he just hated me.

"Alex," John says again and I force myself to stand up and grab his blanket off the bed, draping it around myself. John whines, "It'll get dirty though!"

I shrug, "Do you want me to go back to sleep?"

John sadly shakes his head and opens the door. I follow him down the hallway, trying to make as little noise as possible. John doesn't care as he practically runs down the stairs and turns on the light. I smile and walk down the stairs with him, the blanket dragging on the flour-covered floor.

"Our kitchen is a mess," John mutters, getting something from a cabinet, "But that's okay, right? We can eat out in the bakery before I have to open it up at six-thirty, ok?"

I nod and wrap the blanket tighter around me because it's so cold, "Okay."

John looks me up and down, "We have a heater in the bakery, but not in here. Go over there and turn on the heater if you're cold."

I nod again and walk to the bakery side of their house, looking at the dark room and turning on a few lights. I hadn't been here since I was very young, probably around nine. The lights were still super hard to turn on and I still had to use both my hands.

The bakery still had its normal set-up of neon green tables and matching neon chairs. In the dark, the tables and chairs glowed. The display of donuts, cookies, and other pastries had changed. My favorite treat, a chocolate chip cookie, still sat in the corner of the display.

Behind the cash register, everything was the same too.

Time stopped in this bakery and I loved that so much. They were slow to change, while everyone else didn't take their time.

I sat at the closest chair to the window, looking outside at the crowded streets. Even at five in the morning, people were out running or getting to their jobs. Surely, there was no one up in the city for fun except for John and his positively. Everyone else was asleep.

The heater I had turned on began making the room hotter, but I still kept the blanket draped around me as I watched the people outside and John did whatever he was doing (very loudly) in the kitchen.

"Done!" I heard after about thirty minutes.

When I turned my head, John was sitting with two plates in his hand, full of eggs.

"John," I said tiredly, "Can I eat both of those?"

"No," He held one plate to his chest defensively, "This one is mine. I named it, too," He walked over to where I was sitting and set down the plates, "It's called Anthony."

"Why?" I asked, taking a bite of my eggs.

"Name your's!"

I looked at him, not knowing what to say. John looked back at me with a smile on his face, "Fine. Jasmine."

Suddenly John's eyes lit up and he takes a hurried bite of his egg before saying to me (very loudly again), "You know what would be so fetch?"

"Don't use that word," I muttered.

"If they got married!"

"John, they're eggs!" I said harshly, but then stopped when I saw his sad face, "Um, well, okay. Sure." And his face was back to being lit up, but not before he pointed at something outside the window.

"Look at that man!" He says, "It's snowing outside and he's wearing a t-shirt."

I start laughing because that is a bit funny. Turning around, I make out his hair first and I don't like it. When he begins to run again, I realize I know that form of running. And as his face moves back and forth, I realize I know that face. I swallow hard and look at John, "Hey... Let's have that wedding now, alright?"

John nods enthusiastically, "We need a priest."

"Go wake up Lafayette," I instruct and watch John get up to go get Lafayette. I smile a bit, knowing Lafayette will now hate me for the rest of my life because I forced John to wake him up. John always has the worst way of waking people up. Pouring cold water on their faces.

Yeah, Lafayette will hate me.

I look back at the street and see that Thomas is standing in front of a bookshop, looking at a book. My hands go up and touch the collar that still sits around my neck, hidden by one of his hoodies as well as the blanket. It's still there and my name is still engraved in the tiny little circle.

I sigh.

"I have a priest!" A familiar voice yells and I turn around. John runs into the room with Lafayette stumbling behind him, "He didn't want to wake up at first, so I tried hot water instead!"

"It fucking hurt, Alex," Lafayette mutters and I smile brightly as he glares at me, "Fuck you."

I smile even brighter, "Let's have that wedding now that we have a priest."

"What wedding?" Lafayette whispers, his voice breaking.

"Their wedding." John points to the two bowls of eggs.

Lafayette groans and murmurs, "Alex, I don't care that you've gotten abused or betrayed by some random college kid," He stopped and paused, "I don't care about any of that. You woke me up, that's the important thing. So I absolutely hate you with all my heart."

I smile at him, "I hate you more."

He smiles sarcastically back, "No, I do."

"No!" I insist.

"You're such a bastard!" He says sweetly.

"No, you!" I reply.

"Um," John cuts in, "Can we have the wedding now?"

"Yeah sure," Lafayette turns to John, "Why not?"

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